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Twitch Build Guide by GabrielLolz

[BRBuilding]Twitch, Takando e Matando

[BRBuilding]Twitch, Takando e Matando

Updated on April 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GabrielLolz Build Guide By GabrielLolz 5 4 13,259 Views 14 Comments
5 4 13,259 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GabrielLolz Twitch Build Guide By GabrielLolz Updated on April 7, 2011
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Prophecy8 | August 30, 2011 5:45pm
twitch mid = ownage, cara tu nem é lvl 30 ainda, não sabe nada do jogo direito.. lvl 23 o jogo é fácil rs
Prophecy8 | August 30, 2011 5:43pm
Voted -1
que lixo, twitch nem precisa de manamune pq n precisa de mana, e warmog? sério?
Yogabababa | April 30, 2011 10:07am
Voted -1
Tank Twitch makes me sad. Twitch should not be tanking, also you don't need that much mana with him. If you want him to live build some defensive items as well as offensive ones.
kayofg | April 14, 2011 4:16pm
o seu filha da puta funcionou certin aqui zeus cala a boa ai e deixa de fala merda seu porra nem joga de twitch quer fala merda
ZeusTheAssassin | April 12, 2011 12:29am
Voted -1
First off ur boots suck... Secondly manumue or however u spell it on twitch?..... why..... thirdly only 70% attak speed and only 200 attack damage?..... If you want to tank pick a tank twitch is definitly not worth a warmogs..... i won;t argue the banshe's veil in sum cur***stances but honestly why in ur right mind would u make twitch a tank especially since with ur build your damage won't be any better than a tanks and u will still have krap survivability due to lack of armor and magic resist... also with ur build why do u have ur points in utility... especailly in reduced death haha... if u plan on not dying due to all the health u have then why o why do u need reduced death time lol.... Honestly u should have not wasted 9 points in utility and instead put them into defense.... and last but not least why teleport... espcaiylly if ur not gonan spec into it.... its a waste on twitch if u get boots of mobility you are moving aroudn the map at an amazing pace anyhow and something like ignite or exhaust will suit u better in the long run
kayofg | April 11, 2011 5:53pm
Voted +1
I tried building your brother and I found it too perfect dude
please add me on League of Legends: Kayofg
GabrielLolz (2) | April 11, 2011 5:35pm
Sifotes wrote:

Manamune, with Twitch?

yes, the twitch at the beginning of the game has not ever realize that much mana, I think you should not play with twitch or not to know this so I ask them to stop building this troll to pass her in the ranking that does not diminish my honors
Sifotes | April 10, 2011 7:52pm
Voted -1
Manamune, with Twitch?
DarkSiders | April 9, 2011 7:20am
Voted +1
Can you add-me on msn?
Spagho | April 9, 2011 7:16am
nice dude, i'll try
DarkSiders | April 9, 2011 7:14am
very good, i'll try it
metalknuxx (1) | April 7, 2011 12:24pm
Voted +1
Very Good one, +1
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