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Jax Build Guide by Vasarius

Jax, The LoL Mistborn (Hybrid)

Jax, The LoL Mistborn (Hybrid)

Updated on January 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vasarius Build Guide By Vasarius 1372 206 5,340,116 Views 570 Comments
1372 206 5,340,116 Views 570 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vasarius Jax Build Guide By Vasarius Updated on January 30, 2012
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Baldir (2) | June 8, 2012 9:57am
NeonSRB, after going through your horrible English and trying to ignore the many mistakes that you made, not only the facts. Let me first go by and say that SOTD is a item no longer in use in the game, just wanted to point that out as you are trying to hang on to the quote that was dated back even before the big Jax Nerf. I have to give you that Havoc is useless but i don't believe that 36 health per every minute is a waste of a mastery as that stacked with such a item like Dorian's Shield would be more beneficial and help you if you are forced to back off from minion wave because you cannot stand to much more of harass from the enemy player.

Oh and if you are not mad about people saying **** about your guide then why are you complaining? =)

Good luck and have a nice day.
NeonSRB (22) | May 14, 2012 3:05pm
Baldir wrote:

I guess you are mad that your guide got down voted to many times so you went on to bash the top guides on the list.

Btw he even stated that the guide had used Dodge in the past and is later fixing many of the things he has already said so i don't think he even minds people going off on him since he has a couple of sentences that says to use dodge

Get off his back about it and he is working on making this guide much better than it was.

Holy **** you are ******ed. I don't give a single **** about people not liking my guide, it's there to help people.
Also this wall of text is not changed since Jax got that big remake, and it's just not working anymore. Before you could start with Doran's Ring because Jax had passive to gain health from amount of AP, but that is changed and it's bad starting item for him now.

Havoc and Vigor in masteries are just a waste of points, if you don't get it I'm really tired to explain why.

Also proof that this guide is not changed in ages:

"Sword of the Divine: This is a nice cheap item that can be extremely helpful, but is also situational. The only time i find myself buying a sword of the divine is if the enemy team has a ton of exhausts, or champions that can blind, such as teemo.I ******* hate teemo. The active ability to hit without fail is a lifesaver, it can allow you to kill that teemo even if he blinds and exhausts you. Otherwise, you don't really need it."
Curbstompahh | May 4, 2012 1:29pm
Please update this
FrauSchenk | May 1, 2012 7:25am
Hey i tried this build and it is godlike ... but when i came to the rabadons i was like ... hmmm so i bought nashors tooth and i couldnt belieeve my eyes ... ***N OP so maybe u change rabadons for nashors tooth ... really check it out
Baldir (2) | April 27, 2012 4:12pm
NeonSRB wrote:

Bros, this is old as ****! And it's made for old dodge who*e Jax. This is not working.

I guess you are mad that your guide got down voted to many times so you went on to bash the top guides on the list.

Btw he even stated that the guide had used Dodge in the past and is later fixing many of the things he has already said so i don't think he even minds people going off on him since he has a couple of sentences that says to use dodge

Get off his back about it and he is working on making this guide much better than it was.
Nush | April 23, 2012 2:29pm
Great guide man :D, although I'm using this guide in dominion since that's the only mode I'm playing lately, but it works perfectly fine there :P.
I've tried many characters in dominion but Jax is the only one that seems to work with me.
Hope you'll share some of your experiences with him in dominion if you play him there, might help me get better at it.

Voted +1
tsivE | April 21, 2012 8:42pm
Man i really wanna thank u for this wondefull guide.I just loved it!!!But i have one complain to do..I played jax 3 times until now(i never have played or seen this hero i learned him from u) and my scores in these games are: 14-4-6 14-4-3 18-7-4..And guess what? They are all defeats!! I Hate Noob Teams thats my complain! :D Btw with your guide i owned everyone!ooh and smth else..I hate MUNDO!!! :(
wicked sick | April 21, 2012 2:28am
Hell_Pet wrote:

I must say, this build looks interesting. You don't see Rylais much with Jax, but it's good! Slow with spells and more hp. :) Have you ever thought of a Frozen Mallet instead of a Rylais? It gives more HP and it slows with every attack and Jax chops fast. I'm not a good Jax player, so it's just a question.

And maybe Doran's Shield instead of Doran's Ring?

first boots then ninja tabi and then zeal sheen and phage=trinity force then hextech revolver and then hextech gunblade and then guinsoo rage blade rather before gunblade if u go so long buy infinity edge or bloodthirster that all=BIG GG works for me
NeonSRB (22) | April 18, 2012 3:12am
Bros, this is old as ****! And it's made for old dodge who*e Jax. This is not working.
Jumpie | April 15, 2012 10:34am
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