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Master Yi Build Guide by DEWO

Master Yi, Cutting with Wuju Style. __(NOT A SPAM BUILD)__

Master Yi, Cutting with Wuju Style. __(NOT A SPAM BUILD)__

Updated on December 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DEWO Build Guide By DEWO 991 152 7,564,407 Views 691 Comments
991 152 7,564,407 Views 691 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DEWO Master Yi Build Guide By DEWO Updated on December 21, 2011
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eromdiks (1) | June 9, 2012 6:25pm
i got 42/14/8 with a similar build i got as boots, phantom dancers life steal scepter, frozen mallet and blood thirster next, then IE and another PHantom dancers then i traded bootz for black cleaver, the tankiest guy on the other team was garen all of them got thornmail lol i also have my own special blend of runes
eye-opener (16) | June 9, 2012 4:42am
A good Build!
wotad | May 18, 2012 1:15am
i got 34 kills 4 deaths and 2 penta kills with this guide

str8 after that game i get 33 kills 6 deaths

go Berserker's Greaves,phantom,bloodthirster,black cleaver,frozen mallet these are the items u need in this order
Alcair | May 9, 2012 11:27am
Citydriver wrote:

****ing bad guide-.- 0-5 first game , second game 0-7 ... this just sux for me-.-

I've seen that you complain at a lot of builds. Have you ever thought that the build isn't the problem but that you are the problem? What I'm trying to tell you is that you might consider getting skilled before complaining so much.
Erebus666 (2) | May 6, 2012 2:59pm
recurve bow does not turn into zeke's herald, it used to turn into stark's fervor, u should fix that, the rest of the guide seems legit, gj
Citydriver | May 6, 2012 5:22am
****ing bad guide-.- 0-5 first game , second game 0-7 ... this just sux for me-.-
Setomii | April 30, 2012 8:42am
Just a fast question. Why do i need the rescurve bow ?
Buck97 | April 11, 2012 12:17pm
Master Yi? 2 phontom dancers, 2 blood thirsters, 1 infinity edge and berzerk's boots (take a 3rd phontom dancer instead of the boots if u want as it does increase your movement speed)
fahimsta | April 2, 2012 1:43pm
fahimsta | April 1, 2012 6:07pm
well u should put boots then after sell the boots when done rest of build then replace the boots with whatever was first
sikcool (1) | March 25, 2012 5:04am
Best build out there.
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Master Yi Guide
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