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Akali Build Guide by BloodyNine

Akali || I came, saw and killed!

Akali || I came, saw and killed!

Updated on May 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BloodyNine Build Guide By BloodyNine 18 3 56,695 Views 34 Comments
18 3 56,695 Views 34 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BloodyNine Akali Build Guide By BloodyNine Updated on May 20, 2011
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Nimbuus | August 18, 2011 11:50am
Voted -1
I'd rather use sorcerer's boots, or maybe boots of mobility
Posigen (7) | August 17, 2011 5:08am
Voted -1
well the guide itself isnt bad I think but its not the best build...... its average I think
Posigen (7) | August 17, 2011 5:07am
well. after 5 games I say: THIS GUIDE SUCKS :( soz.
Posigen (7) | August 17, 2011 3:33am
I think you need the runes to be succesful... or skilled as you said, I kinda sucked with it but I think its just practice/wrong champs. what is ASAP?
Posigen (7) | August 16, 2011 5:38am
You should make easy champions green, yellow, red and some orange that have different builds and one can be hard.
Ah ja ich sprech auch deutsch :D habs gesehen bei ergebnissen (Gewonnen) lol
Shrillex (39) | August 6, 2011 8:12pm
Voted +1
Good build!
Coockieman22 (1) | June 30, 2011 1:03pm
I realy like this build, but i like to go for the rageblade first.
diako93 (1) | June 29, 2011 8:02am
Man i've played 3 times only with this build, and i have won every game whilst being the best player aswell. Very nice guide man, great job!
gwadzila (67) | June 14, 2011 7:36am
Voted +1
Nice build, very in depth.
BloodyNine (6) | June 11, 2011 5:01am

Wait no, **** you i just posted that long comment and now i have to make one more? oh yeah thats right - oops!
-1, explanation in previous comment!

meh wanted to qoute the other comment, well with the champ thing you might be right, im going to check this.
But the hell yeah akali is burst-dps hybrid!!! all a PureAP Akali can do is to take off max. one squishy. If your playing hybrid it allows you to even take of tanks! (CD, low Energy after fight) So after your q-r-aa-w-e-q-aa combo you don´t have any energy left... what 2 do? hidding in the srhoud to get stunned by Kennens ult? or being killed with just a ward? well... you have to wait for the cds to get hp back. When playing hybrid, you can AA and you will also do amazing damage! and if yuo now say but you have to get the guinsoos stacks 1st... well i bet in bout 0,3secs you have at elast 4 stacks if played right
And for the Items... What is the part of the game where akali exeels in? Mid Game! What do you want there? DAMAGE! and so, why would you choose rylais? cuz of the slow? ;D;D naah Hextech has also a slow. CUz of the HP? Well, thats a point, but with hextech you get lifesteal,spellvamp,and even more spellvamp (AD)
Though i thank you for your comment, but voting down guides without trying, without even having a argument aginst that... so sorry
Veinless | June 10, 2011 6:30am
Voted +1
bla bla bla vote up
Veinless | June 9, 2011 11:25pm
Excelent guide.

And it might just be me, but in a recent normal game, for some reason, I bought Youmuu's Ghostblade instead of Banshee's Veil, and it actually came in handy for shredding both squishies and the not so squishies. You might wanna check that out.

Again, excelent guide man.
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