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I like your runes, in fact I use the same runes in my builds :) but there's something you don't consider well in your first and second item build:
since you'll be building nice AP (probably for damage because of your skill sequence) you should be building lots of cooldown reduction, because Sona has only one attack skill in addition to ulti which will have LOOOONG CD without proper CDR. Also since Sona IS a support you should get more cooldown to be able to spam heal.
Also about your skill sequence, I understand that you build Sona as an "AP carry" in your build, but she is a healer and therefore you should lvl up heal WAY earlier,m taking only 1 point to heal just simply sucks because then you can't do pretty much anything else than simply just use your Q and you can't even spam it without proper CDR.
I can't give +1 due to that, so I'll go unvoted. Just take that into consideration to max out your builds effectiviness. I'd also like an explanation why those items and maybe some pictures of your game scores :)
Thank you for input, and I feel like this is a very important point that I need to make, so I will include it in the guide as soon as possible... but basically, I feel like masteries (9%) + blue elixir (10%) + blue buff past level 10 (21%) is 40% CDR, which is the cap, without having to give any item slots to it.
To your issue about skill sequence, I really feel like just 1 point in your heal before level 6 really does wonders. If you are taking quite a beating, just stay a little bit back, play a bit cautious, and ultimately, let the little heal catch up. If you watched how Nyph played Sona in the tournament, that's more or less how I do. If I can find a good game of my Sona playstyle, I will try to upload it and do some sort of commentary so that you can see why I prioritize what I do. Simply put, if you don't level up your Q as it comes, you start to do hardly in damage, and you will lose the lane eventually, because your harass simply does not dent the enemy health pools... making you not a very frightening opponent.
since you'll be building nice AP (probably for damage because of your skill sequence) you should be building lots of cooldown reduction, because Sona has only one attack skill in addition to ulti which will have LOOOONG CD without proper CDR. Also since Sona IS a support you should get more cooldown to be able to spam heal.
Also about your skill sequence, I understand that you build Sona as an "AP carry" in your build, but she is a healer and therefore you should lvl up heal WAY earlier,m taking only 1 point to heal just simply sucks because then you can't do pretty much anything else than simply just use your Q and you can't even spam it without proper CDR.
I can't give +1 due to that, so I'll go unvoted. Just take that into consideration to max out your builds effectiviness. I'd also like an explanation why those items and maybe some pictures of your game scores :)
The guide is good (nice pictures, well-written) but the builds are terrible imo. I really hate AP supports.
Thank you for your compliments, but I'm sorry that you don't like my build. Granted, this will not work at higher levels at Elo... at the point where I'm at (around 1600-1700), this build not only dominates lanes, but also really hurts. When I get the time, I will add a section about Tournament/High Elo play with her (which is honestly pretty boring, GP10 items and wards/oracle's).
I've been watching the tournaments today, and I'm paying special attention to the Sona players, and I have a good idea on what they're exactly doing.
I used to rush a Tear early on, but now that I've pretty much have her playstyle down to a tee, I don't really need the extra mana regen.
Thank you for the information about Good Hands, too. I've honestly heard that it's better but I've never seen any solid numbers behind it.
Also take note that Persevereance does not count burst healing spells (I think) and good hands is wayy better seeing Good hands takes off about 7 seconds of your cooldown timer while persevereance only gives 1 hp/5sec if you have 25hp/5sec