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@Halipupu: I do miss having a large mana pool from an early game Tear (it used to be my first item after Maki), but I just can't justify not having the Gp5 now. After the 2 stones, move speed and CDR are absolutely my top priority. I do find myself running out of mana more often than if I build Tear early, but Clarity and smart conservation will get you through every team fight. Just tell your team when you are recalling due to OOM.
I do realize that Ranked gameplay is different than Normal (even at lvl 22), and I want readers to be aware that I'm not at Ranked yet. I don't feel right not being completely upfront and giving advice without readers being aware that my experience is technically incomplete. Once I hit level 30 and get some Ranked experience, I will be removing the note.
Thanks for the comments!
I personally like building Banshee and Frozen Heart (as you can see in my builds if you check) because they give the right amount of survivability to otherwise too squishy Sona. I also like how you realize that Sona desperately needs that CDR, which some lvl30 players DONT realize because they're too fixated on getting only gold/5 items being semi-useless all game.
I also like you maxing out heal first, since you're a support that's a good thing to do since you don't build AP early game, therefore it is absolutely NECESSARY.
Good job ;P btw, summoner lvl doesn't always mean that lvl30 is better than lvl20 something... I've played above 300 games with Sona and I was better playing her at lvl20 than some lvl30. Therefore I'll give you +1 for a nice build, but you might wanna clear out that text block a bit. Hard to read.
Just a question:
You have Banshee's in your item sequence and DFG in the item section in your guide. Do you get both?
Thank you.