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Anivia Build Guide by BlackToys7

Bursting Anivia

Bursting Anivia

Updated on December 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BlackToys7 Build Guide By BlackToys7 6,161 Views 8 Comments
6,161 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BlackToys7 Anivia Build Guide By BlackToys7 Updated on December 6, 2011
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BlackToys7 | June 21, 2011 9:32am
Thank you very much for ur constructive comment. I'll think about your points ;)
jhoijhoi (2057) | June 20, 2011 3:41pm
Voted +1
Ignite actually scales for late game damage much better than other summoner spells do ^^

I still believe you should be getting Crystallize much earlier. If you get it at level 3, and then ignore it for the rest of the game, then it'd be fine. But you really should be utilising that extremely great wall with Anivia.

Pro Anivia players (if you watched the Season One Championship at Dreamhack) use their walls eary on to allow junglers to gank more efficiently ^^

Your comma usage has been cut down, at it makes much more sense now :)

The only other two things I can think of:

1) Anivia is so slow. She is the slowest champion in the game, I believe. As such, you may want to get upgraded boots before that Blasting Wand.

2) In your mastery tree, Good Hands is always better than Perseverance. Basically with Perseverance you get 1 extra mana and 1 extra health regeneration every 5 seconds. With Good Hands at max level when you're level 18, you could shave 7 seconds of death off - that's long enough to get from the spawn pool to one of the inhibitors to defend it.

Good work on improving your guide since I last saw it, and I do encourage you to keep on editing :)

- jhoijhoi
KreZ | June 20, 2011 10:21am
Voted +1
simply nice
asdasdasdasd | June 20, 2011 10:17am
Weel done, nice work
i like her guide
asdasdasdasd | June 20, 2011 10:17am
Voted +1
Weel done, nice work
i like her guide
BlackToys7 | June 20, 2011 9:33am
3 likes, ty guys ;)
BlackToys7 | June 17, 2011 8:48am
Sry m8, maybe u can vote later on. First i have to correct my work, maybe i shouldnt listen to music and such stuff while writing. Furthermore i set to much commata all the times i'm writing with a keyboard. I know my english isnt really good when I'm writing on the PC. I'm really sry for that and i want you to forgive me writing such a guide without preperation and without correcting it. I'll correct it as soon as possible ;)

Kind Regards Blacktoys
jhoijhoi (2057) | June 17, 2011 8:01am
Hi ^^

Here's some constructive criticism - I won't vote just yet :)

1) You don't get Crystallize until level 12. Anivia's wall is so useful I believe it's a mistake to get it so late D:
2) It's far better to get Good Hands than Perserverence because the latter is absolute **** in comparison.
3) You use too many commas throughout your work. When in doubt, throw it out. Literally at least half of your comma usage is incorrect. I understand English isn't your native language, and I appreciate the effort you put into your guide! It's far better written than those written by people who speak English as a first language :3
4) I really liked your Item Choices section. Very explanatory!
5) Love your last words. I wish everyone remembered that LoL is just a game ^^

Hope I helped! :)
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