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Yorick Build Guide by Korthus

Dig Dug - Digging your grave (AD Yorick)[Under Construction]

Dig Dug - Digging your grave (AD Yorick)[Under Construction]

Updated on June 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Korthus Build Guide By Korthus 4,923 Views 5 Comments
4,923 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Korthus Yorick Build Guide By Korthus Updated on June 26, 2011
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Athathros | June 26, 2011 7:50am
yeah i've tried it also and saw that IE is kinda a situational item, replaceable with many things like phantom's or even GA.
i suggest adding situationals in the item section later, great build nonetheless^^
icscout | June 26, 2011 5:13am
korthus ive played with this build and i was adding in some stuff like instead of infinity edge i was using phatom dancers or the black clever it was a nice build
Korthus | June 26, 2011 3:37am
PONTYAZ wrote:

i really should have read this LoL champion before i bought him for 975 rp. big misstake :(

Did you play him a few times already? If not, i suggest just trying it out and seeing if he's fun to you.
Ok, i can see that he's UP and for ranked's...let's just say hell no, but come on, i mean he's still viable and you can carry with yorick like with many else.
well, if he's no fun to you...sorry to hear that. :P
PONTYAZ | June 26, 2011 3:15am
i really should have read this LoL champion before i bought him for 975 rp. big misstake :(
Korthus | June 25, 2011 8:18pm
Any constructive criticism or improvement tip is appreciated. =)
Right now, this guide is not fully finished. I'm hoping for someone to get by and give me some tips on how to write one, but that's like waiting for a nice player in hon. :P
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Yorick Guide
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Dig Dug - Digging your grave (AD Yorick)[Under Construction]

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