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LF EU mobafire team.

Creator: Kramis July 3, 2011 2:19pm
Kramis's Forum Avatar
Feb 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 2:19pm | Report
hey my name is Filip and i am looking for a team that are gonna play some ranked/pratice and have fun with.
I have mic/skype/vent and more
I can talk english but its not my native language.
I am lvl 30 and have 600+ wins
rating 1438
PLay support, tank, AP carry and some AD carrys/jungler.
I am 20 years old and i can play everynight when LOL is woriking. .. .-.-
I can go to either East or west server.

If you want me to tryout add me on skype Filip.john.sahlberg or IGN: Kramis or message me on moba.

Kramis's Forum Avatar
Feb 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 5:28pm | Report

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