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Leona Build Guide by Mork8

Leona, Tanking with High-Heels

Leona, Tanking with High-Heels

Updated on July 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mork8 Build Guide By Mork8 3,799 Views 3 Comments
3,799 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mork8 Leona Build Guide By Mork8 Updated on July 19, 2011
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RazeGR | August 15, 2013 11:44pm
Voted -1
Mork8 | July 19, 2011 9:43am
Thanks for this feedback.

What do you mean by "your chosen items can be situational at best". IMO gearing up a tank is always situational. That's what makes tanking not as boring as building the same AP items as a caster. If you are talking about the "purchasing order" that's just to give an idea of a possible path against a balanced team. Look at the item discussion section for more information.

True image were too small, it is now fixed ;-).

Exhaust on a tank is actually really good: it gives you another tool to save allies, this fits perfectly with you tank role. Teleport is a strong spell but the problem is that a tank doesn't have a great "decreeping" power that's why I think it is better on a dps/off tank. Anyway, you're right and should be less restrictive. I moved teleport in the "green" summoner spell.
Icuonuez (36) | July 18, 2011 10:01pm
Voted +1
Though I feel your chosen items can be situational at best, I do like the layout of the guide. It's very descriptive and color-coated, which always oogles the eyes. The only few problems I saw were your suggested item build, suggested summoner spells (exhaust on a tank? no way) and I felt the pictures were a bit too small. Might you try Teleport instead of Exhaust. It helps you save your towers from those 20 pesky purple casters.
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