I did read a post by Phreak saying hes better than 98 % of the riot staff people should enjoy the fact that he can make a video at this high of gameplay and still teach people =).
valk 32 wrote:
I'm pretty sure there is still going to be some level of staging still, there pretty much ALWAYS is.
You mean, the other team trying super hard to ruin phreak's gameplay? :s
Yup, probably.
Wukong vid.....wukong vs veigar...that was hilariously unbalanced.
I've won a lane versus Veigar as Wukong...
If you play aggressive, it's pretty easy, Veigar just melts.
Tri lane for life.
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TreeEskimo (2121 ranked)
RiotMilkcow (2218 ranked)
Classick (2226 ranked)
(Statikk couldn't make it T_T)
At its highest disparity, I get about two levels above one of them. Of course, there's also a clip of killing someone two levels above with teamwork.
The last teamfight has our team of 17/17/16/17/18 vs 18/17/18/18/16
So, no "lol Phreak is 17/4 and first to level 18" clips here. Post-teamfight I'm 10/8/15 (10/8/11 before). I have fourth place in minion kills on my team and sixth overall.
But Skarner looks AWESOME! You guys should like this one <3
And yes, I both jungle and buy Trinity Force. Come at me, bro.
I also put in two "Tons of damage" references for you guys. One's hidden.