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Maokai Build Guide by Krazah

Maokai- You have iced his killing tree

Maokai- You have iced his killing tree

Updated on May 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Krazah Build Guide By Krazah 693 83 2,768,946 Views 468 Comments
693 83 2,768,946 Views 468 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Krazah Maokai Build Guide By Krazah Updated on May 10, 2012
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Boey (1) | July 8, 2012 6:52pm
I was trying it today. This is the result I get: many assists. Gets the team fed. :D

I went with slightly different items though, but I followed the same masteries as the guide.

XSilentSinX (1) | May 25, 2012 8:16am
I think that the 2 points that you have in Indomitable are better used to round off Enlightenment. I feel that the extra 5.4% CDR is much more important than taking 2 less damage because that 5% CDR can help you get up your R faster to mitigate more damage, or bring up your W faster to secure a kill. Two damage mid to late game is worth nothing, while a couple of seconds less on your CD could mean everything from you getting a kill to surviving.
ferynd | May 15, 2012 1:29pm
awesome guide
BootsElectric | May 15, 2012 2:01am
Great guide my friend, this really helped me get the hang of this champ FAST!! +1 <3
sangdeep | April 24, 2012 2:34pm
Awesome guide...once you get the first three skills, you kill people really easily!! But you gotta use all three at once.
Zegreatmilenko | April 23, 2012 5:51pm
why summoners resolve? you have no skill that uses it...
amanskirt | April 21, 2012 9:40am
I don't understand why you choose Summoner's Resolve when neither Flash or Teleport benefit from the mastery? I don't know if I missed something or what. Otherwise I absolutely love the guide!
Mafachu (2) | April 20, 2012 3:24am
great build and true enough a fun character to play!
UsernameSayWha (14) | April 19, 2012 6:13am
If you wanna lane Mao, I would get armor seals and get Mana Regen Glyphs. It gives you that extra defense to go against those bruisers you will see top. I honestly think Sunfire Cape should be scrapped and replaced with Randuin's Omen. And get Frozen Heart after your RoA. The stats are too good to ignore on Mao. Mana, CDR, Armor, and that passive that is really nice against their AD Carry/Master Yi. Have you ever tried starting Regrowth Pendant into a Philo Stone? It gives Mao a lot of sustain. Plus it builds into Shurelia's later on in the game. (Which combined with Frozen Heart almost caps your CDR, making your ult a 12 second cooldown.) Just my 2 cents.
609IH | April 3, 2012 1:40am
For what summoner's reslove?
Lobsterface | March 24, 2012 12:43pm
I was working from other builds and getting completely drained of mana early on... this build addresses that issue very well, thanks!
The Overmyynd (139) | March 22, 2012 6:34am
Icree wrote:

Some math on q and e. First of all, q will match e's dmg starting at both of them being lvl 2, which means in the jungle especially, you are better off with leveling Arcane Smash after getting rank 1 of Sappling Toss at lvl 1. In lane you have to hit both the on hit and the explode EVERY TIME for it to come close to the same amount of damage, and you get much less damage per mana.

CDR does not affect this table's ratios at all but AP does. Arcane Smash gets 40% of your ap and technically Sappling Toss gets 100% because of the 2 hits at 40 and 60. But it takes a whopping 200 ap for these abilities to even out. Which means Sappling Toss wont be better even with ap until late game, so again, leveling it first is not a good idea.

I did vote up your guide, I just wanted to point out this one thing that bugged me :P
Arcane Smash
70 115 160 205 250 +40% dmg
11.6 19.6 26.6 34.16 41.6 dps
1.27 2.09 2.90 3.72 4.54 dmg per mana
1 2 3 4 5 lvl

cd6 mana 55

Sappling Toss
40 75 110 145 180 +40% dmg on hit
80 130 180 230 280 +60% dmg on xplode
120 205 290 375 460 dmg total
10 17.08 24.1 31.25 38.3 dps
1.71 2.56 3.2 3.75 4.18 dmg per mana
70 80 90 100 110 mana
1 2 3 4 5 lvl

my table is all nicely lined up in the post but when it actually goes up, its all scrunched...

btw, @Douleur
Thornmail is good vs AS champions while Frozen Heart is good vs AD champions.

Thornmail takes off dmg of the attack itself (because of armor) and gives some of it back to them. When being attacked repeatedly and quickly you will mitigate a ton of damage. While with a heavy AD champion (or a crit champ) you will not be mitigating as much because they don't attack as often, you only get any less damage taken and damage reflected when you actually get hit. So for these champions you want frozen heart, which slows down their attack speed even more and mitigates damage by preventing the attack from happening all together, or at least delaying it.

Arcane smash makes you get up close, sapling toss range is insane. By lvl 5 if you have 3 points in toos and 1 in each of the others you can throw 1 sapling and clear the caster minions. Great for farming, good damage for poking and zoning so your partner can farm freely. Early game sapling toss is most important, late game arcane smash. When looking at abilities on maokai, you have to think about who you are laning with FIRST since they will be doing the majority of the damage, and its YOUR job to make sure they are fed. Thinking of yourself only will just get you and your partner killed, and your game lost.
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Maokai- You have iced his killing tree

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