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As a support, I feel that even though your ADC is your main concern, the rest of your team is as well, especially when the laning phase has come to an end. This brings me to the question of, which item would better benefit the team as an overall, a Frost Queen's Claim, or a Talisman of Ascension?
While the Frost Queen's Claim gives you more harass and a slow, wouldn't the speed boost of the Talisman of Ascension be more beneficial to the team as it'll allow for a party-wide escape, gap closer, disengage?
I created an account here just to upvote this build. By far the most effective Sona build I've tried so far. I don't usually bother with the defensive support, preferring to go straight into the offensive build for the mana regen. With that much mana regen just from spellthief I can sustain me and my carry all through the lane phase while harassing the enemy and getting gold from it.
I must admit I didn't actually read the guide, already being relatively familiar with support play and Sona, but the build is excellent and can usually be used pretty much verbatim. Only thing is, due to being low level and not having much IP, I have Move Speed quints that I just use for all champs that I find are very effective on Sona in combination with E to let me cruise around the map at very high speeds and meet up with other champions to provide my aura to them to get us both to wherever we're going quickly. I don't have hybrid pen runes either, do they really make that much of a difference over straight magic pen?
Movement speed quints are fun and the gold quints aren't a necessity since you'll get gold anyway from your items :)
And if you harass mainly with spells, then the magic pen marks are better than hybrid. I just prefer to harass with auto attacks as well when using Spellthief's Edge and Bandit so I get most benefit while doing that. But the magic pen marks are great :)
I must admit I didn't actually read the guide, already being relatively familiar with support play and Sona, but the build is excellent and can usually be used pretty much verbatim. Only thing is, due to being low level and not having much IP, I have Move Speed quints that I just use for all champs that I find are very effective on Sona in combination with E to let me cruise around the map at very high speeds and meet up with other champions to provide my aura to them to get us both to wherever we're going quickly. I don't have hybrid pen runes either, do they really make that much of a difference over straight magic pen?
what would you prefer? 9 mr pen marks or 4 arm pen and 5 mr pen marks?
You mean armor penetrarion and magic penetration? If you want both, I'd get the hybrid penetration marks, but if you want higher magic penetration, you can take the magic pen marks. However hybrid pen is more beneficial.
You have ignored all our advices and taken everything into yourself. It started from my blog post I believe ? It was a generic blog not pointed specially towards anyone, but you took it that way. Nobody from the commenters hate you or try to smoke you out. All we ever tried to say is that your guide lacks and is SUB-OPTIMAL as Vynertje said. Your guides are not optimal and not the best ones at this moment.
You ignored all the feedback we gave you and you have learned nothing. The reason you are getting downvotes is people don't like your set-up. Make a new guide with this set-up and see if it's
getting to #1 position.
There is discussion about possibly giving "optimal" guides more visibility and make own section for "sub-optimal", which your guide is now, because the way you play now is dooms path and is very bad
from many aspects. You fail to see this and defend yourself with bull conserning your ELO or you take this as personal attack, when it's about your guide.
I will end this discussion here as you are not listening to anyone.
Oh yes btw Halipupu, we could also start with a faerie charm with more wards by using your main masteries right? Since you Aria of Perseverance could help sustain.
Yes, if you prefer it, but I'd crab a couple of potions along.
I totally agree with Joxuu here.
As a support, you are dedicated to care for the wellbeing of the team. You cannot be selfish and start with those two charms. It is seriously not worth it. You need the ward-coverege early. I suggest a start of one pink, 3 greens, rest pots. Pots are a lot more efficient that early then the fairy charm is. You will be able to sustain your carry longer, and aswell provide safety and vision against ganks. Your laning phase can be quite long. You really should consider that.
As Sona, you are extremly squishy. If I remember right, Sona has the lowest hp of all champs. You might consider going for some HP-Quints. It can really be helpfull but it is more of a playstyle-issue. GP Quints are fine.
Attack Damage marks make no sense on Sona at all. If you want to do some damage, you can go for hybrid penetration. That will pay off a lot better and actually be good for your q + power cord, since you poke mostly with that.
Boots: Speed boots are always good on sona. Her cooldowns are so low, i am not sure you need the cooldown ones in any case.
Your priority should be the wellbeing of the Team. That means, that yu should focus on getting your gp items and then buy mostly wards and oracles to provide and sustain vision. You won't have the gold to build anything fancy. If you look at pro games, and the supports there, they barely ever get something more then ruby sightstone, philosophers and boots. Rest is usually wards untill you actually are ahead.
Also, why Archangel's staff. Mikhails is a lot more benefitial for the team.
This is a teamgame and you are the support. You cannot play this off as selfish as you do. As you rise, you will see that people will start punishing you for it. And eventually you get stuck and will stop rising. It is up to you how you take our feedback. I'm just trying to share some of my experience wtih you.
If you have further questions or want further explenation, feel free to PM me.
Buying wards doesn't mean you can't afford to buy any items. With GP runes, items and Philosopher's Stone I have no problem providing vision for my team. I carry 2-3 extra wards with me at all times after getting Ruby Sightstone so vision isn't a problem. Next season 3 wards is the limit, so having only 3 wards placed by me (+ the pinks/oracle) isn't bad either.
And how is my playstyle selfish? If I get the money why shouldn't I use it to buy items that benefit my team like Locket (junglers/top laners DO NOT buy it in all games) or other support items? They exist for a reason, not just as fancy stuff nobody buys.
But thank you for a comment that isn't plain attacking.