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Graves Build Guide by TaintedDarkSoul

I got 99 problems, but the league ain't one

I got 99 problems, but the league ain't one

Updated on January 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TaintedDarkSoul Build Guide By TaintedDarkSoul 14 9 24,693 Views 12 Comments
14 9 24,693 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TaintedDarkSoul Graves Build Guide By TaintedDarkSoul Updated on January 27, 2012
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Hepheistus | March 13, 2012 9:01am
As you said: you only can use this guide, when you are really fed...but most times, esspecialy in ranked games this isn't the case...unfortunatly...but for that it's a good guide! +1 :)

If you are interessted: I made a guide for ranked games...where you dont need to be fed this much :) feel free to check out if you are interested :)
TaintedDarkSoul (3) | October 27, 2011 10:46pm
Lol, good eye. As you said, there aren't any mana issues with Graves. If there are hit 'B' and heal at base. This build works really well in middle lane and side lanes since the doarn's blades give +100 HP, +10 AD and +3% lifesteal. For what its worth, it isn't bad, keeps you in lane a bit longer, gives you a chance to heal while pushing the lane/farming gold and incenses buckshot's damage output.

You are right about rushing the B. F. Sword. It gives a major boost to your damage output, buckshot and collateral damage. I find that Graves needs AD first before attack speed. The reason is that his quickdraw gives him a temporary speed boost which its cooldown is reduced by 1 second every time you auto attack. Afterwards its just rushing attack speed and critical chance.
NekomimiOtoko | October 27, 2011 5:59pm
Whenever I play ranged carry I'd always start with boots and 3 pots just for survivability
then farm enough for that BF sword. I usually delay upgrading boots until I have at least two full items build (infinity edge/bloodthirster/black cleaver/phantom dancer). Then grab the boots of my choice depending on the game's turnout and evaluating the enemy team (do I need that magic resist/armor/health?) and building accordingly maybe even switching up your build when you're done with your core build. Not enough mana? Get philosopher's stone! It's only beneficial mid to late game when you're low on money and mana (too bad it doesn't stack anymore). And it's better than a Manamune.

It seems you don't have much mana issues with Graves, looking at your utility mastery page. But if you do, maybe switch up the time spent dead with the mp/hp regeneration per level?

Also, nice copy pasta there. We all have those lazy moments :D
TaintedDarkSoul (3) | October 26, 2011 5:29pm
Face palm...

Fixed and credited.
Blowfeld (108) | October 26, 2011 3:32pm
Think about it again, you can't have a skill maxed at level 8 ...

Try level 9 ;)
TaintedDarkSoul (3) | October 25, 2011 3:16pm
Thanks olafftw, glad to hear.

Of course Blowfeld, Graves really only has 1 attack spell that isn't his ult :P .
Blowfeld (108) | October 25, 2011 11:06am
Buckshot maxed at level 8?

No wonder people say he is OP ;)
olafftw | October 25, 2011 6:34am
Really nice build !! Helped me a lot !
TaintedDarkSoul (3) | October 24, 2011 5:54pm
Noted. Will add onto Items.
purpleges (20) | October 24, 2011 5:49pm
Needs a last whisper.
TaintedDarkSoul (3) | October 24, 2011 5:28pm
Not bad. I like it better. Thanks. You have been credited.
shurkin (1) | October 24, 2011 5:26pm
got 99 probloms but the league not one*
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