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not good
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Playing Trynda at 3 vs 3 normal games is like typing IDDQD if you are not mentally disabled...
And that's why I made this for people playing him in ranked, where people pick Nasus Jax and Annie and CC and rape you constantly. If you think I need to stress that point more in my guide I will, though I really see no need.
While your point is valid, people also do like to win in this game occasionally, and unless you can carry yourself well, you're constantly getting raped by teammates who don't know what a ward is nor how to aim a skill shot. So if you're like me, and get on losing streaks that you'd like to break every now and again (because while playing alistar is fun, you don't win too many games), then you revert to the tried and true. And thus you just ignore the ragers and play someone OP (i.e. Tryndamere).
hey.. it´s a really good guide and u spend so much time to it.... I readed all but i can´t understand what do u want with smit? I meant... i would vote it up but look: for a fight it´s gives 4 nice summoner spells: flash, exhaust, ignite and (i think it´s nooblike but everyone has another opinion^^) heal. Yes smite, allows u to get much buffs and money from the jungle but.... it won´t help u in a fight so really: U have a nice itembuild; a had written a long guide; u spend much time for it; u explained it really nice.. but -1 for smit.. sorry
Dude, you missed the whole point of the guide, and if you think taking smite on 3v3 is worthless then maybe you should play more on this map. Smite isn't just for getting buffs, and getting gold (though it DOES help you get both), it also allows you to KEEP the OTHER team from getting them. In a teamfight, would you rather have ignite, or an extra B.F. sword? Would you rather have flash, or a buff for your whole team that increases your damage by 10+%? Would you rather have ghost, or a buff that constantly gives you +30% movement speed and doesn't wear off for a good minute or so? I'm honestly offended that you gave my long hard work a -1 simply because you don't like a summoner spell choice. If you don't want to take smite, you don't have too, but it WILL be holding you back and keeping Tryndamere from his true potential. Having extra items and buffs on your character is FAR better then having an extra 200 damage from ignite.
unlike Mizukira guide which is the worst guide i ever see