So, let me think.

When I was about 7 years old, I got Pokemon Yellow for Christmas (1999). It was pretty much the first game I ever got, as before that I mainly played hockey with my friends as I recall, and read books. Did I ever play that game tons though, was one of my most played games along with Pokemon Blue, which I got later. It's one of the games that got me into Pokemon, for sure. (I used to watch the tv show back then too, as well as I watched the first movie when it came out).

The next game I got I believe was again for the Gameboy, and it was called Dragon Warrior Monsters. It was an incredible game that originated in Japan and was a little bit like Pokemon (part of it's appeal to me I imagine). It revolved around having 3 'monsters' in your party, and traveling through a medieval kingdom with them, fighting other monsters. It had some of the best graphics a gameboy game has had back then. It's almost completely unknown though.

I got a PS2 when it came out, and started playing Star Wars games. I was a huge fan of Star Wars, having read the books. The first game I got was called Jedi Starfighter 2, and it was amazing. Me and a friend played it every day for several hours, and it was possibly one of very few Star Wars games that had a good multiplayer as well as single player. It was completely aerial based and to this day I wish I could find it in a store.

I got numerous other Star Wars games for the PS2 during this, although among them my favorite was definitely Star Wars Racer 2. Podracing is awesome, and having it on a video game is pretty darn cool too.

Fast forward to 2005, I found out just how amazing Dungeon Siege was, also introducing me to fantasy/rpg games. From then on I pretty well hunger to play it, although I never found it again. I did recently get Dungeon Siege 3, but I can't play it because I don't have the activation code and the support forums for it are down.

In 2007, I joined my first online forum, called the World of Starwars. For two years it was my entire life, (even more so then Mobafire is now I imagine). It introduced me to what a text based rpg was, and since then I've joined a couple of them. It was also a great community and shaped me into the troll I am today :3 Unfortunately in 2009 Yahoo closed down the site. :/

Later on in 2007, I joined the Smogon forums to get involved in competitive battling. I would say i've been pretty successful. That's a different story though, and I won't get involved with it.

When I got a PS3, my gaming got a huge boost. I played NHL 09, Cod4 (which introduced me to shooters) and Oblivion, just recently got Skyrim and MW3 (I had MW2 but didn't really play it.) On my birthday a friend recommended me to LoL, I joined, and it's been history ever since :3