I played a pretty funny game yesterday. I jungeled Nocturne. I wanted solo top, but our "pro" CHo'Gath needed top. Ok the Game started....and at around 3:15 their GP had first blood. Ok, i thougtht. But the Cho started to write things like: "Noob Jungler!" - "THis noob never ganks"....Why the f*** sahll i gank at minute 3?? But ok, i decided to gank top as soon as cho is back on lane. Well Cho came back...- and there first thing he did was pushing as hell. And a few seconds later, when i arrived at top brush he already stand at the enemy tower. I went mid, because our brand plays defensiv, and he needed my help. I arrived mid and slained their Karthus and exactly the same moment Cho died again. This time he really started flame : "F*CKING NOOB JUNGLER"-"ALL REPORT THIS F*CKING BASTARD" ect....Yea well...after Cho started with this feeding ( he died about 15 Times - without getting any kills ) and also started blaming me for his deaths..the feeding bot lane follows. I HATE THIS. I REALLY TRIED TO GANK! BUT THEY JUST DONT UNDERSTAND THAt IT IS JUST NOT POSSIBLE TO GANK ALL LANES AT THE F*CKING SAME TIME!! Ok, Ok sorry. Just the anger about this sh*it...You know as soon as i want to gank bot, they immediadtley start to push hardest, so it is immpossible to do anything. And when i go mid or jungle again they start flame me cause i never gank !?
I bet you all know that feeling. You treid to jungle well and as soons as there is this ugyl "DEFEAT" on your screen all your mates start to blame you..."You noob better learn to play"-"Report Noc"-"Damn this noob never gank"....
But now..enough with that sh*t - GL and HF my dear summoningn friends