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Alistar Build Guide by Pelikins

It's A Lock. Ali CC tank/support

It's A Lock. Ali CC tank/support

Updated on August 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pelikins Build Guide By Pelikins 11 2 87,655 Views 23 Comments
11 2 87,655 Views 23 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pelikins Alistar Build Guide By Pelikins Updated on August 27, 2012
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Alocas | May 24, 2012 1:19am
Voted +1
Good build.
Pelikins (44) | May 14, 2012 4:27am
In my opinion gold runes are a joke.

1 gold per 10 x 3 in a 30 minute game is only worth 540 gold.

It's better to win your lane and that means having combat effective runes and masteries.

Leave the gold /5 runes for champs like Janna and Soraka....
BraveryDude (3) | May 7, 2012 9:08am
Voted -1
no gold runes?
Pelikins (44) | May 3, 2012 5:59am
The evilbread guy down voted because I gave him feedback on his Yorick guide a while back and he then went through and down voted all the Yorick guides on the site (including mine) and told me he'd pwn me in a 1v1 (lols).

When I confronted him about it, he down voted all my guides =(
Kurowashi | April 19, 2012 1:22pm
At first I thought you were not providing any alternative items, but then I read through your wall of text and found them. :) I think your guide would be much nicer with some coding to make it easier to read and quickly find things. Gonna try out when support slot is the last one missing (again) and vote then.
And I really do not understand those people that just downvote without a reason. >_>
EvilBread (2) | April 11, 2012 10:36pm
Voted -1
NibasOne | March 18, 2012 12:23pm
Voted +1
Pelikins (44) | February 20, 2012 6:27am
AA44, you've gotta realize that this is a support Ali. You don't get farm, you don't get kills. Yes, if you went jungle or solo Ali, you'd be able to build a stronger champion. But as a bot lane support you should have tower, assist, dragon, and baron gold along with what you generate in gold/5 ...that's it. You won't have an overly strong Ali playing him properly (unless you run jungle Ali).

I'd suggest you research today's meta game before voting on guides you don't understand.
AA44 (2) | February 14, 2012 1:44am
Voted -1
Mmm... Doesn't give Alistar any kind of strenght.. He has much more potential now.
animorte (45) | February 12, 2012 4:43pm
This is a good build. I play him a lot and have found Rylai's to be extremely useful as you said. One thing I have to point out though is that you have very little magic resistance (Mercs and Aegis). Getting a larger item for it would make him even more invincible. Force of Nature if there is a lot of enemy AP or Abyssal Scepter to help your allies as well, defensively and offensively.

You should skip HoG altogether unless you plan on buidling Randuin's Omen. It is 825 gold that would go better elsewhere and you already have Philo for G/5. You can quickly finish off boots or grab Kindlegem instead. The extra movement speed/magic resistance/cooldown reduction could make a big difference at that point in the game, since it is generally around the time ganks break out.

I like using Will of the Ancients on him, believe it or not, even more invincibility + damage. Spirit Visage is great to get for him as well.
Jokkerzz | January 17, 2012 4:27pm
Voted +1
i always follow your guide, nice one ^^
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