So I was thinking... (Kids, don't try that at home) Those last few seconds right before you die ~ which has sadly been happening a lot for me lately, what are you thinking? As my numerous experiences have been stacking up lately, I found a pattern in my thoughts (this is mostly for drawn out chases)...

8 seconds til death ~ I knew I shouldn't have done that...
7 seconds til death ~ Run run run run go go go I need boots!
6 seconds til death ~ Why do I not have any cc? GOOOOO FASTERRR
5 seconds til death ~ **** crimany frick heck nooo what the !@#$%
4 seconds til death ~ They need to nerf -insert chasing chamption's name here- soo bad...
3 seconds til death ~ So close omg turret you stupid turret do more damage!
2 seconds til death ~ Ohh there's my teammates. Fasterrr man c'mon!
1 second til death ~ -soundless, desperate clicking-
Death ~ ... facepalm.

Immediately following my death, I apologize profusely for feeding. Even if I'm 8/1/5 :) Cuz that's just how cool I am and what a great friendly person I can be (Y) I'm sure you guessed at those characteristics though.

So... Any of you have something that goes through your head over and over and over as you're about to die? Any thrilling, stimulating words of wisdom that pop into your head as you stare into the face of death? ^^ Happy gaming!