Shen - His harass was stupid, but manageable before. After the remake, not only did they buff his ability to trade damage, they buffed his ultimate, they buffed the sustain he has... Well, they buffed everything. Ki Strike is based on his attacks too now, his Q heal scales on his max health, his taunt is better, his shield is better. He's essentially a required ban now.

Ziggs - His laning phase is pretty decent, but what really shines is his late game. 1500 range 300 aoe poke on a cooldown of only a few seconds. Plus his ultimate has some major damage potential. just really annoying in general.

Vladimir - Still extremely good, but I think they might have managed to balance him somewhat.

LeBlanc - I'm slow like all the NA players, and I JUST realized that leblanc counters the majority of the top ap carries, including Casseopeia. ew.

Soraka - the Infuse nerf hit REALLY hard. Almost to the point where she isn't worth picking anymore.

Talon - just not tier 2 worthy right now.

Veigar - he should have been moved up. His laning phase leaves something to be desired, but his late game is unmatched.

Jax - the remake is terrible. his stun is way too unreliable, and the change to his passive is awful as well. it took away what made him completely scary. Sure he can get big and fed now, but its not nearly as much of a gamechanger as the old jax.

Karma - even chauster thinks she sucks. Chauster doesn't think anyone sucks. Ergo, karma sucks. Need a real explanation? Her heal is awful, she has no ultimate, her chain skill sucks massively.

Nautilus - Some people think hes just meh, But I think his skillset is incredible. His grab skill combos well into his passive snare, which combos into his slow. He also has one of the most amazing initiates in the game. He has a reliable knock up that doesnt require him to walk up to the enemy carry. He can just flash and target the (insert carry here) that sits in the back of the team. Plus it knocks everyone up that is in the way in between. He is the kind of true tank that riot has been trying to make since leona.