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My first impressions of LoL (Lovely wall of text)

Creator: Disterric February 22, 2012 6:37pm
Disterric's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2012 6:37pm | Report
To my knowledge LoL stemmed off of the sucess that Dota had in WC3 which was one of my favorite gametypes, just last week i decided to give League a try, the learning curve is pretty steep but i have a feel for most classes and 80% of the items. I noticed pretty early that this game is completely item dependant unless you have a team that is cooperating, which doesn't happen often outside of premades.

This leads up to my main beef with the game, and i hope im not beating a dead horse... Blame gets placed incredibely easy even if you are not at fault, literally every game where im playing random games and we begin snowballing downhill, people start getting butthurt. Which leads to pointing fingers and just general QQing. Understandable.

If i had to somehow solve this problem though, i would propose a system that allows players to elect the Most helpful player, not just ingame but socially aswell at the end of games and reward them somehow. I feel it would be a much better idea to reward good behavior as more of a priority than discouraging bad. Mostly because everyone gets mad and usually places blame, so its harder to differenciate troll from anger :|

Other than that i can see the appeal in this game, the item dependancy to skill ratio could be better IMO (bloodline Champions for example has a much higher skill cap and no items(?) but i feel it would be hard to change that. Anyways i'm interested in what other people think and to help me find ways to fend off hungry hungry angry kids i often find in games. Thanks
Protocol's Forum Avatar
Jan 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2012 7:23pm | Report
The items are in the game to add an extra layer of strategy. If you didn't have to farm waves, then you wouldn't. If there we no reason for farming waves, no reason to have them there. If they aren't there you might as well just be playing a death match.

That being said the game, even at the highest level, is a game of scape goating. No one ever wants to admit it's their fault. Even when you could still win people give up. People troll because the know they can effect the outcome of the game negativly.

Its the nature of the beast, I'd recommend at least duo queing, at least then you have a decent teamate.
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Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2012 8:19pm | Report
Disterric wrote:

This leads up to my main beef with the game, and i hope im not beating a dead horse... Blame gets placed incredibely easy even if you are not at fault, literally every game where im playing random games and we begin snowballing downhill, people start getting butthurt. Which leads to pointing fingers and just general QQing. Understandable.

Yep, that's League of Legends alright.
MiamiHurricane's Forum Avatar
Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2012 9:45am | Report
Just make sure to always play with friends, preferably while on Skype. Solo-Q tends to lack teamwork of any kind, be full of raging 12-year-olds blaming everyone else for their mistakes, and smurfs/trolls (at low levels you see more high-level people with new accounts than actual noobs).

While all of that can be quite frustrating, as long as you have a friend at your side it shouldn't bother you too much. But all DOTA based games are like this, from what I've heard.

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