I really want to find a champion to main, so I can actually get good at him/her and be able to play higher elo games.

However, my case is that I get bored way to easily, and I frequently move onto new champions, weekly or sometimes after 3-4 games.

My question is, what character should I play?
I like the playstyle of Lux, however, she is a bad ap carry choice for mid, as compared to Kassadin, LeBlanc or basically any other mid like Ahri.

I do not want to main a support, I'm not saying I do not like supports, because I actually support Taric alot, however, who wants to main a support?

I also cannot main a solo top, because the friend I play with has a great solo top main.

I do not really like the responsibility of the jungler either, because I would rather play the laning game, I find it so fun :)

That leaves solo mid and ranged ad bot.
Mid - I do not like leblanc really, neither do I like kassadin. I kind of like veigar but atm he is pretty bad.

ad - I do not like sivir or ashe xD

So Help!?!?!?! Who should I play as!