Ok, this is my first blog post on moba. As a guy who main(ed) tanks and played them 24/7, I've been feeling pretty devoid after tanks supposedly "moved out of the meta". I mean, I've managed to switch roles successfully to jungler, but I want to ask:

Why are tanks out of the mtea/ why do people believe this?

I realize that tanks are still in the game but only the jungling tanks or support ones. I don't understand why in ranked someone hasta QQ if someone still plays a lane tank. My solo top Malphite works fine tyvm. So again, I want your opinions on whether tanks should be out of the meta and why they are. If I had it my way, I would bring tanks back into the meta? Is anyone else like me, waiting for return of the tanks? I notice riots been trying to bring them back in to the meta with the release of two tanks Sejuani and Nautilus.