First off I realize that nobody is going to read this, but I felt like posting it anyway.

My first observation is that even if a guide has all upvotes and is on the front page of the general guides it may never be read by even a thousand people. Most guides get stuck at about 71% or below. I believe the cause of this is that most people refuse to look at anything under 85%. This means that even if you have 5 votes and are at 71% (That means you have 100% upvotes) to most people your guide still looks like it has a bad rating and isn't worth reading even though everyone who has read it liked it so far. I'm not saying the system itself is flawed as it makes sense to me why they did it, but I am saying that most people don't understand that a 71% actually equals a 100% in upvotes.

Secondly Even though for the most part this is a great community (My favorite so far on the internetz) there are some people who will downvote a guide and then give you specific complaints about why they downvoted (This is a good thing), but here comes the bad part. Most will never check back to see your response as to whether these points you made where valid or not, and they will never see if you made these changes they called for. This will mean that you will always have that -1 even though even by the downvoter's logic you don't deserve it anymore. I love this community, I just think they need to realize that they need to check a guide frequently after they give advice to see if the maker makes the changes you asked for.

All in all these are minor. I just noticed them and thought I'd share my points to anyone who cares.

Edit: Woah. This has been viewed nearly 300 times.
Edit #2: over 300