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MyRepublic's Mobafire Blog

04 May

Ok time to update my ranked climb for the first time in almost a year. This was the first ranked game I played since forever ago. I probably wouldn't post this, but it has an interesting story to it that should outline a few good habits that people should get into.

It started (as always) in champ select. I banned the usuals, but Shen got through. A guy on my team told me he'd swap me for shen so I grabbed him, and the other guy grabbed Akali for me. It then occurred to the man that...
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06 Jan
I haven't ever mentioned this but I like to write poems cuz that's what real men do with their free time. I was just wondering what the populace of the internet thought about this one since I'm thinking of presenting it at a talent show. Also if you could think of a good name for it that'd be great. Anyway without further ado:

Some come at me for stu-stu-stutterin
Or cuz I sometimes forget the…

Words that I’m lookin for
Whole sentences on the tip of my tongue
Cuz talkin for me feels like I’m tryin to walk on
But look down and suddenly I’m moon walkin
But I’m not walking...
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23 Dec

Views: 591 Stuff

I hadn't played league since season 3 came out, but I played today. I still have it with Nidalee. I got my wisdom teeth taken out a couple days ago and I'm still on meds so it was kinda weird playing, but besides the unicorn I speared I'm pretty sure everything went alright.
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24 Nov
I've been playing Nidalee almost exclusively lately, mid and top. I honestly cannot see why I didn't try her before. The things you can do are so funny at times and hitting those spears at max range never gets old. Never.

But what I wanted to talk about was the fact that it seems like she's one champ that people refuse to see as powerful. Even after seeing her multiple times in the championship (including the final game in which she beat a yorick in lane) she still isn't FOTM. She sees constant play in higher levels of play, I mean it seems like every featured game has a nid in it,...
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