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Hi, I'm new on Mobafire and looking for people...

Creator: ikzegmaarzoo April 4, 2012 3:56am
ikzegmaarzoo's Forum Avatar
Apr 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2012 3:56am | Report
I'm back from a break from playing lol.
I am looking for people to play with and I'm thinking of starting my own ranked team in the near future.
I haven't got a ELO ranking yet because I only played normal pvp and bot games recently to get back into the game.
But in solo que most of the time there will be a flamer etc. in the team and that kinda ruins the fun.

I'm looking for players who: play for fun, communicate with the team and speak english.
I play on the EUW server and live in the Netherlands for those who are interested.
My summoner name is ikzegmaarzoo.

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