Hello this is Berzerk and I will be writing something I will call Top Facts, these will be facts about when to pick certain champions how to play them and what uses they can serve in your soloQ or Ranked teams. This will be my first Top Facts.

Yorick is a Tanky-DPS champion who fights by summoning ghouls on his skills which deals Hybrid damage, magic damage on the initial skill cast and physical damage from the ghouls that follow. Yorick has little to no "counterpicks" that can shut him down in lane, and as most top lane players can tell you he is probably their least favorite matchup to fight. He has massive sustain and once he gets some mana regen is almost impossible to move out of lane. he has a slight falloff into the late game which is easily overlooked due to his ability to zone opponents and ultimate a ranged carry for a clone and a revive.


Unholy Covenant (Passive): Yorick’s attacks deal more and he takes reduced damage for each summon that is active. Meanwhile, Yorick’s ghouls deal some percent of Yorick’s Attack Damage and have some percent of his total health.

A strong passive for laning allows tankyness and damage once Yorick gets all of his ghouls out he will be very hard to kill.

Omen of War: Yorick’s next attack will deal bonus physical damage and summon a Spectral Ghoul that deals additional damage and moves faster than Yorick’s other ghouls. While the Spectral Ghoul is alive, Yorick moves faster as well.

A good escape and chase move allows for increased mobility.

Omen of Pestilence: Yorick summons a Decaying Ghoul that arrives with a violent explosion, dealing magic damage and slowing nearby enemies. While the Decaying Ghoul remains alive, nearby enemies continue to be slowed.

A strong AoE slow that has a long range and is targeted on selected location allowing for scouting. (Can be used to destroy Teemo mushrooms and Shaco boxes)

Omen of Famine: Yorick steals life from his target and summons a Ravenous Ghoul that heals Yorick for the damage it deals.

Yorick's sustain, does strong poke damage as well.

Omen of Death (Ultimate): Yorick conjures a revenant in the image of one of his allies. If his ally dies while its revenant is alive, the revenant sacrifices itself to reanimate them and give them time to enact vengeance.

Yorick's ultimate amazing to use on ranged carry in a fight as it in essence gives your team another carry and if the real carry is killed they are revived to destroy the enemy team.


Yorick should be picked if the enemy picks a champion that needs to farm and is weak early (destroy and zone) or if agains a strong early game champion as he can simply sustain survive and even kill his target and he will typically scale stronger in to late

Strong against:
Teemo(can sustain his poke and destroy his shrooms), Irelia ( can abuse her early and zone her, beware she can hop off your ghouls to you for a gap closer and her ult heals off of them), Nidalee(She gets zoned out and you can poke/sustain harder than her shell go OOM first), Shen(He can last hit your ghouls with Q for heal and can sheild some of the poke but he will eventually get harassed down and he cannot commit a direct fight), Olaf ( Sustain and poke>Olaf), Kennen(Throw your slow ghoul out, its in between you and him, no more Q. profit.), Singed(MHahahahahaha... zoned and dead), and Garen(Demaciaaaaaaa damage is over time 15% off every tick of his spin with your ghouls, dont allow his passive and you out sustain him, plus you poke.)

Hard( to play against):

Udyr (a sheild and sustain heavy burst dont over commit), Renekton (Deals good damage can go well with ganks and sustains off your ghouls), Warwick (sustain all day never die farmfest), Trundle (sustains off ghouls dosnt die)), Gangplank (He has oranges so this lane is K, he can build GP/5s and Farm with parlay and stay in the game, Nautilus (Sheild blocks whole combo and AoE on you kills ghouls Sets up for ganks so hard.), Fiddlesticks (Drain all day you have no CC you wont kill him it will be farmoff he can set up for ganks well and if he gets crowstorm off possibly kill you.) Riven (With her ult up and ignite she can full burst through your hp pool very fast)., And Shyvana (who once she hits 6 gets free armor and mr and escape, can hit harder than you can sustain in one trade, has no mana, and when shes in ult she hits AoE on everything killing off your ghouls, passive, hopes, and dreams)

Playing As:
-Always use your slow before your life steal as it gives a slow for better positioning and allows the lifesteal ghoul to keep up.
-To make the best use of your passive Pest, Famine, Auto attk (10% autoattk damage increase), then use war to reset attk timer and hit.
-Play aggressive and zone your enemy, but not so aggressive that you get ganked.

Playing Vs:
-Get runes with armor and magic resist as they allow you to live through yorick harass longer early on.
-Always buy your sustain item as soon as possible as it allows you to survive longer in lane vs a yorick burst.
- Do not waste your spells to try and poke a yorick unless you can poke more than he can sustain otherwise you will just be loseing out.

Yorick Strong Items:
-Manamune is strong due to your amount of spam it can fill up fast and make your damage go high if you get this try to include a frozen heart in your build as it will make you very tanky with damage.

-Trinity Force is strong as all the stats can be used, when you are winning your lane this is a good item to buy as it will make you move into the late game strong

-Frozen Heart allows you to have mana to spam and gives you the cooldown to do it. Makes you almost immune to an enemy AD team

- Atmogs Both stats are used on your ghouls and will be beneficial, strong item choice but typically very expensive and your damage will not be as strong.

-Guardian Angel is a very strong item if you are carrying your team as it allows you to revive and if your AD carry is not around or is very far behind you can revive again.

Yorick is strong in soloQ as many people do not generally team pick and are playing the FOTMS or whatever they want to play and are not as worried about countering. You should easily be able to zone most solo players and they will not be as coordinated with their junglesr.

Ranked 5s:
Yorick shines in this mode too it is just a bit harder, the enemy will typically be trying to pick champions that are good against his lane opponents so you should try and pick Yorick later in. They will be more coordinated with there junglers so you should beware of ganks. If you get your ranged carry to pick a strong Auto attack ranged carry champion you should be able to easily dominate if they get farm or kills.

This is My Top Facts Yorick, I hope these helped you to get to know a little bit more about the champion, if you have any tips or additions post in the comments below. Thankyou and I hope you have a good day :D