Saintvicious joining Curse - Crumbzz to Dignitas - Voyboy to CLG

Longtime CLG jungler will become part of Team Curse, joining the team as the jungler. Curse will be saying goodbye to Crumbzz in an amicable parting of ways for personal reasons . CLG is not without a new lineup though, adding Voyboy from Dignitas to their team for top lane and sliding HotshotGG to the jungle. Dignitas will add Crumbzz to their lineup as well, and he will play top lane. All the top NA teams shuffling around as the Season 2 Championship draws near.

twitter wrote:

Crumbzz statement on joining Dignitas as their top lane:

Crumbzz wrote:
I am very pleased to be brought aboard Team Dignitas, I must say I was lured by imaqtpie"s hair, but that doesn't matter since I am here and that's all that counts. I will play in the role I have been placed in to the best of my ability and will hopefully keep Team Dignitas as a powerhouse in League of Legends.

Liquid's statement on the future of Curse:

Liquid wrote:
Hey everyone, we're enthralled about Saint joining the team, this bad *** mofo has huge amount of tournament experience, played on what was the best team in NA and now brings a wealth of skill to Team Curse. We can’t be more excited. With that being said, we are also very sad to see Crumbzz go.

Xpecial and TSM are the only team standing still in all this, and at least one of their members is as blown away by all this as the rest of the community is. Xpecial remarked on his twitter how surprised he was, and then dropped this tweet:

Xpecial wrote:
Each team literally shuffled their best players around and none of the teams are noticeably stronger...

Go4LoL EUW Start it, here the links to see those games:


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