so after looking through the patch notes, here is what i have to say:
  • so far, i really like the addition of athene's holy grail. hope riot will keep this up to have an upgrade for items that dont scale well late game
  • derp on PD nerf. i just started getting into AD carries and now this, but it still wont stop me from playing graves~
  • i dont play ranked or draft, but yea, good change
  • good rupture buff
  • dr. mundo nerf again? o well, doesn't affect me
  • dark wind with increased dmg to minions...not sure what to say about this
  • IMO hecarim is already weak. with this extra 16% dmg buff, i dont think he really become much stronger
  • lulu nerf again LOL
  • i hate morgana, so good nerf. but they released a really good skin for her, which makes me disappointed
  • GRAPHICS UPDATE!!!! as a person with quite a ****py LoL playing computer, i love this addition, but because i personally play CHN servers right now, this patch is will appear in the CHN server in like a month... :(
  • coop AI could use more bots :)
  • good tower addition, now there will be less ppl going like "WTF" when they get executed :)
so i feel like this is a pretty balanced patch. is it just me, or is Riot just making one skin for each new champion now? well i guess this is okay, as they are clearly trying to improve the game itself.

comments or questions? post away~