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Karthus Build Guide by Devilsbane

Karthus - More than just 'R'

Karthus - More than just 'R'

Updated on November 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Devilsbane Build Guide By Devilsbane 6 2 31,243 Views 16 Comments
6 2 31,243 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Devilsbane Karthus Build Guide By Devilsbane Updated on November 12, 2012
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Haldir92 (1) | May 24, 2012 3:48am
Voted +1
Very useful guide! ^^
Devilsbane | April 30, 2012 6:14am
MatrixLoL wrote:

very.. nice ;>

Then why did u downvote my guide lol ?
MatrixLoL (1) | April 3, 2012 1:43pm
Voted -1
very.. nice ;>
ThorHammerz | February 8, 2012 8:02pm
Devilsbane wrote:

I completely understand where you are coming from, but for me this comment is void, your under the impression that you MAY not get any stacks, that can be true, but massively unlikely, the chances of your team not giving you the chance to use your ultimate is possible, but the chance of them not landing one single kill, the chance of that is next to none.
The argument is mainly about my choice of Mejai, if you don't like it change it, for me, i'm a good Karthus player it doesn't arise as a problem, but hey if it diden't work for you. I don't believe it deserves you to down my guide (which is if you think the guide dosen't work at all or deserves to be highly ranked) just because you don't agree with one item...

why are people always under the impression that a down-vote requires the entire guide to be **** in order to be justified (not saying yours is bad, i think it's still decent)? Regardless, I do agree with Urza - getting a Mejai's SoulStealer is not a consistently reliable option to run with - good opponents (and yes, there ARE people who know how to make your life as Karthus just hell) will NOT let you get the kills for your Mejais.

That being said, it is a viable option if your opponents are simply brain-dead and don't focus you during a teamfight.

Raketenudo wrote:
It seems you think his Q's damage is divided amongst the Tasrgets it hit. This is not the Case.

- This too (if it hasn't been fixed yet). The damage stated in the tooltip is the damage dealt if it hits more than 1 target (multiple targets). This stated damage is doubled when only 1 target is hit.
Raketenudo | January 27, 2012 7:54am
Voted +1
It seems you think his Q's damage is divided amongst the Tasrgets it hit. This is not the Case.
Devilsbane | October 6, 2011 8:17am
Urza wrote:

Well, I have tried this build in several games. It has one very significant flaw. When the game goes good, everything is done well, you have kills and stacks on Majai's, you don't die, this build is great. BUT if the early game is lost, you can't get AP at all (you should get it too late but in that time the game is already lost) and you lose whole game. You can say that just bad players screw up early game but at first it's not true (just depends on your enemies - they can be just better than you even if you are good) and at second -even if it was true- you can do everything right but somebody else can fail (just imagine a situation where you have no chance to get kills or assists by Requiem - which is up to your teammates AND your mid-enemy just play too defensively and you can't kill him).
So this build can give you great score and makes you a star in games that you (and your team) should probably win anyway BUT it's useless just in games where you NEED to carry your team (by carrying your team I DON'T mean the situation when you turn common victory to great and amazing victory with 20-0 score; by carrying your team I mean the situation where things goes bad and you turn it). Since you are completely dependent on Mejai whole the early and maybe mid game, you have no AP to do something when the game goes bad.

I completely understand where you are coming from, but for me this comment is void, your under the impression that you MAY not get any stacks, that can be true, but massively unlikely, the chances of your team not giving you the chance to use your ultimate is possible, but the chance of them not landing one single kill, the chance of that is next to none.
The argument is mainly about my choice of Mejai, if you don't like it change it, for me, i'm a good Karthus player it doesn't arise as a problem, but hey if it diden't work for you. I don't believe it deserves you to down my guide (which is if you think the guide dosen't work at all or deserves to be highly ranked) just because you don't agree with one item...
Urza (8) | October 6, 2011 2:07am
Voted -1
I have already explained my reasons to this vote (my last comment); I just forgot to vote.
Urza (8) | October 6, 2011 2:05am
Urza wrote:

Wow, this is very alternative build. I have tried MANY builds for Karthus but this is something new to me. I don't want to vote as many ignorants do - like "HAHAHAHA, this build sux, nobody plays Karthus like that!!"
So I'm going to try several games with this build and then I'll vote.

Well, I have tried this build in several games. It has one very significant flaw. When the game goes good, everything is done well, you have kills and stacks on Majai's, you don't die, this build is great. BUT if the early game is lost, you can't get AP at all (you should get it too late but in that time the game is already lost) and you lose whole game. You can say that just bad players screw up early game but at first it's not true (just depends on your enemies - they can be just better than you even if you are good) and at second -even if it was true- you can do everything right but somebody else can fail (just imagine a situation where you have no chance to get kills or assists by Requiem - which is up to your teammates AND your mid-enemy just play too defensively and you can't kill him).
So this build can give you great score and makes you a star in games that you (and your team) should probably win anyway BUT it's useless just in games where you NEED to carry your team (by carrying your team I DON'T mean the situation when you turn common victory to great and amazing victory with 20-0 score; by carrying your team I mean the situation where things goes bad and you turn it). Since you are completely dependent on Mejai whole the early and maybe mid game, you have no AP to do something when the game goes bad.
svetlin1 (1) | September 26, 2011 6:37am
Voted +1
svetlin1 (1) | September 25, 2011 6:56am
this was the only guide with i stop to see :) i like it good AP movment speed isnt bad health mana are goood :) i will try it just when i get my self kurthus and btw for me the guide is very good i will vote
Devilsbane | September 20, 2011 2:10pm
Urza wrote:

Wow, this is very alternative build. I have tried MANY builds for Karthus but this is something new to me. I don't want to vote as many ignorants do - like "HAHAHAHA, this build sux, nobody plays Karthus like that!!"
So I'm going to try several games with this build and then I'll vote.

Thanks man, i'm really happy people are actually trying the build before voting like an idiot, this is an alternative way to play Karthus like a boss, it works so good for me that it is unreal. Love all the comments guys really nice to see players appreciating how much time i've put in.
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