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Kennen Build Guide by minimeek

Kennen Tank New Meta

Kennen Tank New Meta

Updated on July 9, 2012
New Guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author minimeek Build Guide By minimeek 27,207 Views 15 Comments
27,207 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author minimeek Kennen Build Guide By minimeek Updated on July 9, 2012
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minimeek | July 9, 2012 8:02pm
SpinTo wrote:

It's looking better. You still need to fix the FoN link in your items section.

Also, I'm still curious why you've got ignite. If you're tanking as Kennen, damage and getting kills isn't your primary goal, the extra CC/damage reduction of exhaust or the mobility of teleport would seem to make more sense.

On a final note, if you really want to impress, combine your build with this:

Fix the FoN Link, Thanks (:
minimeek | July 9, 2012 7:15pm
CantaGallo wrote:

Ok you are not so far from a good guide.
I finally read this and i'll try it now,i agree that ignite is not so good. Are you a tank? Do tank's role so.
A tank doesn't rely on damage output. I think that he must focus on mobility , survivability, healing by chance and more CC.
Maybe could be worth if you think you are going to counter trynda or mundo or vlad in lane phase.
I appreciate the guides outside the box because first of all they give us a new point of view and because for most of champions' i think that the "standard" way to play them has been widely discussed .
Keep on working and improve your guide as you get more deep in this new way of play Kennen.

Thank you so much for the vote and My reason behind Ignite is mainly for the laning phase to land a that one kill to deny the top lane. I understand that It could be way better to get more cc for example exhaust and I'll make sure to take a look at it.
minimeek | July 9, 2012 7:11pm
blastantir wrote:

Let me say this is a strange build, but after i read it it seems to have a sense and i think this can be good ;)

Take my vote and, maybe, read and vote my guide too.

Thank you my friend. I will be taking suggjestions after people try it and discover this new kennen :D
CantaGallo (16) | July 9, 2012 1:08pm
Voted +1
Ok you are not so far from a good guide.
I finally read this and i'll try it now,i agree that ignite is not so good. Are you a tank? Do tank's role so.
A tank doesn't rely on damage output. I think that he must focus on mobility , survivability, healing by chance and more CC.
Maybe could be worth if you think you are going to counter trynda or mundo or vlad in lane phase.
I appreciate the guides outside the box because first of all they give us a new point of view and because for most of champions' i think that the "standard" way to play them has been widely discussed .
Keep on working and improve your guide as you get more deep in this new way of play Kennen.
SpinTo (3) | July 9, 2012 9:05am
minimeek wrote:

I'm sorry about not being able to work good with bbcode :( whenever I have 100% spare time I will make sure that I will work on it. I thought I did talk about it :/ But yeah, he has so many stuns and the base damage on the ult is pretty high.

It's looking better. You still need to fix the FoN link in your items section.

Also, I'm still curious why you've got ignite. If you're tanking as Kennen, damage and getting kills isn't your primary goal, the extra CC/damage reduction of exhaust or the mobility of teleport would seem to make more sense.

On a final note, if you really want to impress, combine your build with this:
Slappiz (60) | July 9, 2012 1:54am
minimeek wrote:

I would like to give credit to jhoijhoi for his template.

huehuehue, funny :D
blastantir (10) | July 9, 2012 1:04am
Voted +1
Let me say this is a strange build, but after i read it it seems to have a sense and i think this can be good ;)

Take my vote and, maybe, read and vote my guide too.
minimeek | July 8, 2012 9:31pm
CantaGallo wrote:

You need some bbcode here.Your guide is annoying to read because is a wall of text.
For now i don't downvote you because i want to read more carefully. But the way you wrote makes it impossible.

BTW I love your Taric Guide, I tried it out in bots and It was different but good(:
If you ever want to play you should hit me up! ((:
minimeek | July 8, 2012 9:31pm
CantaGallo wrote:

You need some bbcode here.Your guide is annoying to read because is a wall of text.
For now i don't downvote you because i want to read more carefully. But the way you wrote makes it impossible.

BTW I love your Taric Guide, I tried it out in bots and It was different but good(:
If you ever want to play you should hit me up! ((:
minimeek | July 8, 2012 9:31pm
CantaGallo wrote:

You need some bbcode here.Your guide is annoying to read because is a wall of text.
For now i don't downvote you because i want to read more carefully. But the way you wrote makes it impossible.

BTW I love your Taric Guide, I tried it out in bots and It was different but good(:
If you ever want to play you should hit me up! ((:
minimeek | July 8, 2012 7:01pm
SpinTo wrote:

I agree, you need to fix the bbcode and format it a little better.

Also, considering it's such an unusual build, you should explain why it's viable and how to play it. Also, what are the benefits of this build over some more typical builds and other tank options?

No downvote because the idea is intriguing enough, but you need more work to get an up vote.

I'm sorry about not being able to work good with bbcode :( whenever I have 100% spare time I will make sure that I will work on it. I thought I did talk about it :/ But yeah, he has so many stuns and the base damage on the ult is pretty high.
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