Thank you guys! I just hit 100 view mark for this post!

- July 18, 2012
*UPDATED POST*Last edit: July 17, 2012

So, I was quite bored and instead of finishing my papers for school, I mapped the League of Legends Champions on the Map of Valoran. If you were able to catch this post yesterday, you would know that there were lacking champions on my previous map. Now that I am fully rested and has nothing else to do, here it is, the new and improved Map of Champions in the World of Runeterra, continent of Valoran. And if you don't really care about the lores and places, or have no idea what Runeterra or Valoran is, just follow the link. Hahaha!

Chances are, there will be champions who appear in multiple locations. That's because I didn't only mark the place where they are supposed to "currently" be at, but I also included the birthplace (like Rammus who was born in Shurima Desert but decided to pack up and move to the Plague Jungles), source of power (like Malzahar - he is located in Icathia but his powers originated from Shurima Desert), and the like.

There is also those champions who do not seem to have a home and like to wander around Valoran such as Twisted Fate who appears in Demacia, Noxus and Zaun (because apparently he has a gambling addiction problem and is a card shark, lol).

Aside from that, if you noticed The Institute of War, you'll see that there are 2 groups of champions located there - one in the black balloon and one in the white balloon. The champions in the black balloon ( Kog'Maw, Renekton, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Cho'Gath and Brand) are champions imprisoned in the Institute of War by the League, while the ones in the white balloon ( Malphite, Jax, Nautilus, and Kayle are that of the ordinary categories mentioned in the prior paragraph.

You might see some champions with balloons pointing at vague points or nothingness in the map. Here are the explanations:
And finally you see to the lower left corner, 5 champions who do not belong to any point on the map ( Ryze, Shaco, Trundle, Taric and Olaf). This is because these Champions either came from an unknown place in Valoran (such as Trundle, not a resident of Valoran (Such as Olaf, who comes from Lokfar), and did not come from the World of Runeterra at all, but was in Runeterra to explore, learn, etc. (Such as Ryze who came to Runeterra to study magic, Shaco whom true origins are not clear, and Taric who came from some other world and was accidentally summoned to Runeterra.

I have also included Zyra to the map though I am aware that the champion hasn't been released yet. She is located in the Plague Jungles along with Wukong and Rammus.

Hope you enjoyed more than confused!