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Hecarim Build Guide by SilverSeer

AD Offtank Hecarim - Behold the Might of the Shadow Isles

AD Offtank Hecarim - Behold the Might of the Shadow Isles

Updated on May 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SilverSeer Build Guide By SilverSeer 648 106 3,371,348 Views 217 Comments
648 106 3,371,348 Views 217 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SilverSeer Hecarim Build Guide By SilverSeer Updated on May 21, 2013
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souleater5 | September 14, 2013 10:26am
Hey you made this on my birthday!
shinvo | August 14, 2013 5:41pm
Personally you're guids don't really seem to focus on what hec is really caple of. He doesn't need that much dmg but getting a little extra AD/AP that gives you tanky states is really all he needs.

You list only ninja tabi in the jungle guide but getting boots of swiftness, merc, or ninja tabi should be situational items. youmuus might seem nice but hec is only there for his knock back and ult fear with having some like AoE dmg to help kill so getting a little more movement speed. and attack speed might seem nice you honestly don't need it as your Q is almost spamable with 40% CDR and after using it twice. spirit visage should be mandatory as your W is a nice AoE heal and if it's late game and in their base you'll almost never die with all those minions and champs around. your finishers are kinda bad in their orders as getting 40% move speed may be nice but it you need it it'll be to escape and that means you're team is bad; the only good item in there is hextech as it gives you everything you need, AP/AD, life steal, spell vamp, and on use but personally that should be built either really early as your team is doing bad or last item just so you don't die to easily. Locket you should almost never build cuz the support should be building it so going with something more tanky is nice. Boot start is bad, the ratio for AD in the passive isn't good enough to lose 10% dmg imo as getting more health from W is more needed on hec then 25% move speed. Personally the final build for hec should be something like this for jungle;
spirit visage, iceborn gauntlet, elder lizard(zypher is a nice alternative if you didn't pick merc treads)/black cleaver (reason is because your Q will apply it to almost all of them if not all of them and easily stacked), sunfire/randuins (can always pick both), hectech, Rylies if you are having issues with them kiting you or being able to escape if not then warmogs or guardians (still having hextech as the last item)

The Dps one is nice but personally I feel that if you are goign to go Dps hec then building similar to jax hybrid would be better or pure Dmg with guardians. Why because if you arn't building tanky then you'll just die fast anyways so getting a little extra dmg in would be better and guardians is only because it'll give you a little survivability but also another life and possibly mop the floor from the left overs. Also not having anything else for life steal is kinda silly as only ranged classes can survive without anything healing them. as hec you are still close range so getting a little extra health back while W is on CD is nice, Also not getting movement speed quants is a pretty dumb idea imo. it'll be kinda hard to get in range even with E and if you guys can't win and you are still up those quants will save you. lastly the ratios are pretty bad so not getting any items that reduce armor by a lot is kinda bad, imo and the only ones that have the best raio's are your ult/w so making Q hit harder by having BC or last whisperer is nice as most people will have 73(roughly 40% melee reduction) armor.

the crit one is nice but switch on of the phantom dancer with zypher or something else and it'll be even better. also you can always go with swiftness boots with this one (assuming this build works) as your ult and E should really mess some people up making some of their abilities miss also statik shiv could be a nice replacement for the second phantom dancer as the magic dmg from it really increases hec's Aoe dmg.

The reason why I say no defense for the dps/crit ones is because in team fights if they focus you knowing you have some tanky items you'll still die almost immediately so getting some extra dmg is nice.

sustain I fell you focused to much on life steal and not enough on tank items. you can easily rush hextech, spirit visage, and last a long time with just using auto attacks and W. Extra life steal items might seem nice but you can easily go hextech, spirit visage and pure AP and with some magic pen and still have similar or maybe unpredicted results. I also find BT is second compared to Botk, The on use is going to save your life more times then 3% difference in life steal. Personally I feel that sustain is a tank based build with 1-2 life steal items side note trinity force may seem all around tanky/Dps based you can easily go rylies and have W slow them for 15% and thats the whole team rather then 1 target, it also gives you some health and AP to increase it's dmg.

The tank one is really nice but I think you could always switch on item out for more MR as the scaling is bad so the more you have the better you'll do, also spirit visage I feel is worthless in this build as you're not really benefiting from the increased healing as you wont hit hard with W and wits end can give you more MR then visage and with iceborn gauntlets you'll be over the CDR cap by 10% so getting banshees, wits end, or even abyssal scepter is a nice pick. also i'd switch something out for more MR meaning you can keep spirit visage and get something with AP+MR.

Balanced guide really need revising as all the items don't benefit from one another besides phantom dance and infinity's edge. This guide you get last whisperer while the crit/Dps one you don't, the 40AP might seem nice and 35% armor pen is useful but if it's a balance guide you shouldn't worry about armor/MR and get more items with AP/AD/armor/MR/HP as it gives you more dmg, lets you stay in fights longer, and armor/MR from their side almost feels invisible as tanks/Dps get melted. getting glacial before sheen is kinda weird as sheen give you more Dmg mana (witch you'll need) also rushing a phantom dancer isn't really needed because infinity's edge gives you more Dmg potential then phantom and going iceborn gantlets then infinity edge will give you a slow, increased Dmg as 125% of 70 dmg plus 25% increased crit dmg is more then 50 dmg, 30 crit, 5% move speed, and the ability to pass threw units (that my opnion)

Just putting this out there Maw is nice but banshees and murcurial imo are better (if i'm not mistaken banshees block means you wont get stunned or silenced so you can easily save teammates by running out and taking lux's stun or something and run out)

for your jungle build I don't get why you don't get ghost instead of exhaust. it gives you more dmg, it also gives you escape mechanic, and you already have E to knock them away from turrets so getting in front of them is nice and ghost helps with that.

Masteries are pretty bad imo. Legendaries armor gives you more MR/armor if you have 2 and over 200 of both while defender may vary depending on the situation but at the start of a team fight you have 5 vs 1-4 extra armor/MR. 1 point into wanderer is kinda pointless imo and maxing CDR from masteries is nice early game vs attack speed. Perseverance is a bad pick as you'll need more HP to take the dmg you'll be taking (the tank guide). If you go into the tank masteries then I feel getting reduced dmg from minions/turrets useless as you'll already have increased armor/MR and hec is already pretty strong early game jung, and if you tower ive you should only get hit twice so 5% reduced dmg is almost pointless even if you backdoor a tower (seeing as you can't anymore unless it's nearly dead). Also I feel nasus/hec is similar is build wise where nasus is more burst dmg and hec is more Aoe dmg they both benefit greatly for the support tree. Nasus is a slow champion so he need the 6% (out of combat) move speed while hec may not need it, the 6% helps with E to deal some extra dmg and the 3% increases his total dmg output nicely. Top lane and jungling you'll want as much CDR as possible early game like nasus even if you go a more Dps build. Personally I feel going 0/21/9 is nice for beginners or if you don't have a main tank but 0/9/21 or even 9/0/21 is a little better while building tanky as still getting some items with AP/AD.
grassyou1 | August 7, 2013 10:30am
can someone help me i can't gank well with hecarim even after reading the whole guide
grassyou1 | August 5, 2013 8:47pm
the guide is great it takes atleast 20 to 30 games to have the minimum requiments to be ...good with hec, and also i like to had that without the attack speed runes it will way more harder for hec early game
daney12 | June 15, 2013 5:12am
HI!!!! Please help me I don't know how to put a guide. Just pm me how, and thank you! :)
SilverSeer (12) | May 19, 2013 1:37pm
Just updated the guide for Season 3 (I'm so good at being on time) Let me know what y'all think of the revival
Kha to the Zix (1) | February 23, 2013 11:24am
Guide still works for me in S3.
drakath555 | February 8, 2013 10:47pm
you need to update but very impressive guild +1
Smexykid234 (1) | January 18, 2013 5:26pm
Can you please update the build on my computer it does not show the items it just has a box saying lol O_o
Hoers | December 31, 2012 8:41am
Wriggles and starting with armor +5. WAT.
Jubeja (2) | December 30, 2012 7:38am
Should be downvoted to zero for being out of date.
FaithShaddix (2) | December 29, 2012 1:22am
I especially love the Crit-Hecarim.

He's doing so much damage in late game :D
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