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Best Build for new Katarina + Pentakill picture.

Creator: Sookoll January 9, 2011 9:05am
Sookoll's Forum Avatar
Oct 28th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2011 9:05am | Report
Hey all, Just wanna post my Picture of my Third PENTAKILL!!! . 2 previous ones were on Pre-nerf Twitch. Your text to link here...

That Pentakill was way more Epic than 2 previous ones, So I decided to put that in here. The picture isnt that awesome though. Well, They were doing Baron. Me and my friend Shen were at the Brush , waiting. Other people just spawned and were far away, I jumped in, and started spinning, Shen ultied on me, And i got Penta + we stole the buff, And that changed the game.

Items i use :
* Boots of Spell penetration
* Rylai
* Mejai
* Lich Bane
* New Zhonya? dunno the name :D (155 ap + 30%)
* Hextech Gunblade

I get Boots first, and buy alot of HP pots, go mid, and harass alot, get fed early on. Then ill back and buy Boots of Penetration, After that i Buy Mejai, then i go for Rylai, after that i get New Zhonya, after that i go for Hextech and aftter that i get Lich bane , or Some survivability item, usually lich bane. In my opinion, this is the best build for her.

dont forget to buy alot of HP potions to harass often.
Sookoll's Forum Avatar
Oct 28th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2011 9:09am | Report
Sorry for putting this in very wrong place , i misread . If any moderators Cba, please Move it , im too lazy for that.
Deathwalker8000's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 14, 2011 8:26pm | Report
Looks good to me :D

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