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I may be making a video about playing Gragas, showing how to use skills effectively, placing wards near the mid lane, escape mechanics and much more. But that is after I get my Fraps to work.
Yet again, feedback is always great, was it negative or positive! Remember to vote, if you like it! :)
1. Added better information about Doran's Ring's and added them to the item list.
2. Changed Runes & Masteries a bit (added AP per level instead of flat AP and changed the three
points from Brute Force to Resistance ).
3. Fixed information about the slows in the game (at Items/Rylai).
4. Added Flash/ Heal to the summoner spells.
Remember to leave comments if you'd like to point something out!
I think it's a good start which is why I am giving you an up-vote, but I also have some suggestions:
1. Like Isthatok stated, you should consider some icons or pictures... just anything so that I'm not looking at a wall of text
2. Even though I know you explained that there are only 4 core items, maybe include 2 more that you prefer. This way, when you later go on to your item explanation, you can say that they are optional, as well as add any more potential items that may have not been included in the original build (in my Cassiopeia guide I have 6 in the build, but about 10 explained with 5 being optional).
3. I don't know if I like the usage of Nashor's Tooth, only because it depends on what you are using it for. I feel like if you are going to use it, then get Sorcerer's Shoes instead, but if you get rid of it then the boots you are using are ok. Besides that, sure it gives you mana reduction, but then I would rather get something like Athene's Unholy Grail. And I know you said attack speed can be important to using one of his abilities, but what if that ability is on cooldown? Maybe a different item would aid you better.
4. Try and go a little bit more in-depth. I know that you put on comment to vote so that you don't get troll votes, but people can still down-vote if they don't see enough explanation, and they can use that as an excuse to down-vote.
Hope I helped a little bit!
Thank you for the feedback. I've got some things still uncleared though, which I will add:
1. Working on icons and pictures when I've got more time.
2. Can add 2 more items, I'm new to making guides in Mobafire, so didn't think that would be important.
3. With 40% CDR, Gragas NEVER has Drunken Rage on cooldown (tested, works).
4. Will do! Thanks for the tip!
~Like Isthatok stated, you should consider some icons or pictures... just anything so that I'm not looking at a wall of text
~Even though I know you explained that there are only 4 core items, maybe include 2 more that you prefer. This way, when you later go on to your item explanation, you can say that they are optional, as well as add any more potential items that may have not been included in the original build (in my Cassiopeia guide I have 6 in the build, but about 10 explained with 5 being optional).
~I don't know if I like the usage of Nashor's Tooth, only because it depends on what you are using it for. I feel like if you are going to use it, then get Sorcerer's Shoes instead, but if you get rid of it then the boots you are using are ok. Besides that, sure it gives you mana reduction, but then I would rather get something like Athene's Unholy Grail. And I know you said attack speed can be important to using one of his abilities, but what if that ability is on cooldown? Maybe a different item would aid you better.
~Try and go a little bit more in-depth. I know that you put on comment to vote so that you don't get troll votes, but people can still down-vote if they don't see enough explanation, and they can use that as an excuse to down-vote.
Hope I helped a little bit!