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Well i dont like Randurions Omen as item on Mundo AND WTF frozen heart? i know best item in game but Mana mundo gg:::::ROFL ROFL ROFL...?
Man, l2p, l2p... Randuin's Omen is great, it gives him aoe slow + armor + HP + CDR WHAT MORE TO WISH FOR? And about frozen, i must say this. If the item was as it is, with no mana, same price, i would buy to mundo, cause it's so fricking good. So TL:DR it's just too good to miss.
Well, time to fix the lack of votes. The guide deserves a +1!
Haha thanks m8, guess u saw my post at Keondre's Sona guide :P I will be updating the cheet sheet in a moment, as i have gone over to max W. Just better. That's it :P
Hey, liked this guide, you've reminded me of a number of things I'd been forgetting with Mundo.
I've been maining Jungle Mundo for a couple of weeks now, and my build basically looks:
Bootsx3, Regrowth pendant, then on next back either a Giants belt if can afford or another regrowth pendant, finish Warmogs or FoN depening on previous back and enemy team comp, build the other Warmogs or FoN, then build Spirit Visage (as the previous person has recommended). Also, always maxing W first when jungling Mundo.
However, my current build has some serious issues: Fundamentally, it's missing the Heart of Gold which rolls up the gold generation so well into mid/late game. And second I'd completely forgotten about looking into Atma's. Think I'll have to fix those two things about my build urgently!
And in regards to maxing W over Q, yeah this would be my recommendation as well. I can see your point about Q being more damage up front but W is actually extremely good for the gank as well for numerous reasons:
1) Reduces the CC they invariable throw (waste) on you.
2) Deals damage so long as you are near them (which, between Cleaver and the fact you're melee, is often).
3) Takes care of nearby minions as well.
4) Damages multiple enemies at the same time (extremely useful for example at bot or when counter-ganking).
Just my $0.02 anyway. Upvoted.
Thanks, i love people who give me indepth feedback. I will consider changes to skillorder, but well, im alredy aware that it might be best to max W. Thanks again and +rep'd :)
I've been maining Jungle Mundo for a couple of weeks now, and my build basically looks:
Bootsx3, Regrowth pendant, then on next back either a Giants belt if can afford or another regrowth pendant, finish Warmogs or FoN depening on previous back and enemy team comp, build the other Warmogs or FoN, then build Spirit Visage (as the previous person has recommended). Also, always maxing W first when jungling Mundo.
However, my current build has some serious issues: Fundamentally, it's missing the Heart of Gold which rolls up the gold generation so well into mid/late game. And second I'd completely forgotten about looking into Atma's. Think I'll have to fix those two things about my build urgently!
And in regards to maxing W over Q, yeah this would be my recommendation as well. I can see your point about Q being more damage up front but W is actually extremely good for the gank as well for numerous reasons:
1) Reduces the CC they invariable throw (waste) on you.
2) Deals damage so long as you are near them (which, between Cleaver and the fact you're melee, is often).
3) Takes care of nearby minions as well.
4) Damages multiple enemies at the same time (extremely useful for example at bot or when counter-ganking).
Just my $0.02 anyway. Upvoted.