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Long Time Lurker, First time poster, how to go...

Creator: CJWalker August 7, 2012 8:32pm
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CJWalker's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 8:32pm | Report
Hey everyone, my first post here on mobafire! Ive been cheking out the guides and forums for a while and wow there is a LOT of GREAT information here. the guides and builds are a godsend!

I found this game by watching a youtube video called "Wtf is. . . League of Legends" and in that video the guy pretty much said that you REALLY need to look at guides and stuff before playing. So, I found this guide site (after going through the in game tutorials) and learned a LOT, usually in game I focus on last hitting, warding, not overextending, map awareness, ganking, and even a little bit of jungling: I was jungling with sejuani when she was free and pretty much winning games for my teams and they didnt know why - she was really fun to play but the 6300 IP price tag, and the comments Ive seen that Nautilus is a better version of Sej deterred my from buying her. Anyway I do pretty much on my own, I know the general set up of the games and their roles, from solo top to duo bot, keeping the lane frozen and not pushing the lane, and even what to do when the other team pushes the lane way early and our turret falls (just farm at the turret closer to your base)

All of this is great and mny knowledge and skill is increasing (especially the challenge finding Flash/ignite/exhaust in time on my keyboard) but. . .well.

99% of the time, The other team members just have no clue what they are doing. (I play on Eu nordic and I am a level 21 summoner so I pretty much have to use the solo q untill 30 and have enoguh IP for the runes I need.)So. . . . .searching on the forums here, I have gathered that I have to pretty much carry my team if I want to get to level 30 within the next 2000 years haha.

I would like to know which champions, and which guide for the champions here on this site would help me carary my teams which have people that dont know what they are doing or just go afk from the start or after feeding in the first 2 minutes of play (I get a LOT of that happening)

The champions I have now are, Ashe, Karthus, Soraka, Kayle, Sivir, Garren, akali(who I am just horrible at), Nasus, Master Yi, (who I am "ok" at but have yet to been able to obliterate teams like I`ve seen other Yi`s do in that low level gameplay) The champioins that I hate and probably never will play: Teemo, annie (I just hate her character design) Nocturne(I just didnt like him when I played him)

I would like to win these games as quickly as possible and pretty much faceroll these teams within about 25-30 minutes. I have had matches that have lasted 55-65 minutes which is just way too long period. Or matches that are dragged out this long because two people dont want to surrender while we are 35-40 kills down, have no cs, and pretty much everything is down but our inhibs(has happened MANY MANY times) or an afker that had been gone since the start of the game. Or we have basically won the game, but my teams spends 30-40 extra minutes trying to rack up mnore kills on the enemy when the match was CLEARLY over at around 25 but the team didnt want to finish it.

A champion that can carry teams like this qucikly, would be really really really r e e e e a a a l l l l y y y AWESOME!!

Thanks in advance for all you help, and for reading (and replying to this post) I look forward to hearing all you awesome bits of advice, and chamion+guide recommendations!

<Altruistic Artist>
Apfeljack's Forum Avatar
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Dec 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 8:43pm | Report
Generally you're just asking for an easy OP champion. (I don't even know where to begin ...)

This game wouldn't be such a long-lasting addiction if it was as easy as that. I'm sure you will soon appreciate those game that are hard to win and run an epic 50 minutes and more.

As for good guides, you should definitely check out the Featured ones.

And last but not least: Congrats on delurking and welcome!
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 8:50pm | Report
Karthus and Ashe are really good to start with. Currently there aren't any great guides on Karth I'd recommend so that's a shame. On Ashe, go with Jhoijhoi's Ashe guide, it's quite a read but it just has a LOT of very nice information in it so just read it!
CJWalker's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 9:35pm | Report
Awesome, Ill check out his guide now!
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 9:41pm | Report
CJWalker wrote:

Awesome, Ill check out his guide now!

her*, just sayin'
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 10:49pm | Report
I think you should play what you like and what attracts you. Literaly any position can carry your team's ***es (yes, even supports can carry by basically ruining people's kills, disrupting, warding, etc).

Just walk from champ to champ, try the freeones, have fun! Flying to level 30 is pointless if you don't gather tons of experience from it anyway
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

The LZ
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Jul 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2012 11:44pm | Report
Welcome to Mobafire :)

I would echo what FalseoGod said, about flying
to level 30. Some champions are known as "hyper carries"
because they can, supposing you do well and have a good
grasp of the various mechanisms in the game, carry the
whole team. Such a carry is Vayne for example.

Pre-30, where people are still learning the ropes, champions
exactly like Akali can faceroll teams. Her ultimate often
surprises enemies, since it's a pretty long-range dash.
You might be poor with her, but as always, you can just follow
one of the Akali guides on this site - which I can recommend.

It's cool you jungle, even though I doubt the effectiveness of
it, when you don't have the right runes and masteries. But if it
works, it works. Sometimes you don't need to get many kills either,
in order to faceroll. You mention Master Yi and he so happens to
be an epic "backdoorer" - meaning he excels at pushing towers when
the enemy team isn't looking. So in fact, if you just get enough
damage with him, at least around 200+ and some nice attack speed
(all of which his abilities provide too) you can backdoor easily.
Towers win games ;). Also, even if you don't manage to push all
the way, getting just one or two towers, still provides you and
your whole team with (probably) much-needed gold.

If you want to see some tips on how to improve your play, you're
also welcome to check out my profile and go to my blog about it.

Gl & hf ^^
"(Btw LZ, I read all of your posts like a poem because your paragraphs look like stanzas. It's rather amusing. :P)" - PsiGuard
"^ya same
why you write like that" - wRAthoFVuLK
"Why DO you write like that?" - Amazing Monkey
"Why do you write like that LZ?" - iownedya
"no-one knows, but it is unique.
An artist originalising his work,
per say. Yet what have I done,
I have copied his work.
It's probably wrong too, but lolz. Keep at it LZ, since it makes reading your posts interesting." - ShiftyCake
CJWalker's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2012 12:07am | Report
Ill try that master YI thing.... Yesterday the new champs came out, and I tried Sona. The first game I had with her was really wally awesome and I fell in love with that champion. thats pretty much the only game that went that great. after following the gudes to playing her, and build itmes, learning about zoning(I watched shhirlyeas video many many times) and stuff, I realized that none of that mattered in low level solo q as

a) the champions there dont focus on farming so they just push the lane getting themselves ganked by the enemy champion coming from base(not even jungling as that doesnt happen in this level lol) (I dont follow them to when they overextend themselves like that. . .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand of course they die lol)


b) they will do the oposite, and while I try to zone the lane. . .they just stand there and do nothing(I mean like not even attack minions), then the other team pretty much stuns and kills me, while my lane partner runs away (and this is close to our turret mind you as I really watch my overextending and make sure I dont do it.) just had a game and went 0/10/13 ...

so basically those repeated experiences are what led me to ask me the question in the op lol.

Anyway Im done playing sona for now, Ill just Yi/Ashe myself to an elo where there are people who at least know what roles are for which lane.
The LZ
The LZ's Forum Avatar
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Jul 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2012 12:22am | Report
Yep that's how it is.
Welcome to solo queue.
Doesn't neccesarily change
much when you reach level 30
either. Sorry to break it to you.
"(Btw LZ, I read all of your posts like a poem because your paragraphs look like stanzas. It's rather amusing. :P)" - PsiGuard
"^ya same
why you write like that" - wRAthoFVuLK
"Why DO you write like that?" - Amazing Monkey
"Why do you write like that LZ?" - iownedya
"no-one knows, but it is unique.
An artist originalising his work,
per say. Yet what have I done,
I have copied his work.
It's probably wrong too, but lolz. Keep at it LZ, since it makes reading your posts interesting." - ShiftyCake
CJWalker's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2012 12:36am | Report
The LZ wrote:

Yep that's how it is.
Welcome to solo queue.
Doesn't neccesarily change
much when you reach level 30
either. Sorry to break it to you.

Oh wow, really? dang, well better get my teamspeak/vent headset ready... When I hit 30 Ill just look for people to play with. And in the meantime, just play sona in an Bot game haha, probably have more fun there!
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