Champion Overview:

Rengar is a tanky DPS champion. He is alot like Renekton in the fact you build up a rage bar to unleash a Wombo Combo on your enemies. His gameplay is fun and unique and actually gives the feel of being on the hunt. His item is INSANELY good, for 1k gold it gives you stacking abilities AS WELL AS a good amount of AD. He is very versatile boasting damage with his Q, sustain with his W, the ability to receive ganks with his E AND The ability to escape almost any gank with his ultimate's stealth. He has a decently high skill ceiling and I can expect players who put the effort into learning him to do EXTREMELY well.

Skills Overview:

(Passive) Unseen Predator- While in brush or stealth Rengar will leap at the target (600 radius default, 750 radius with his item stacked) when using his basic attack. Also Rengar builds 1 point of Ferocity with each ability he uses on enemies. When reaching 5 points of Ferocity, Rengar's next ability becomes empowered, granting it a bonus effect. The empowered effects are on no cooldown and are SEPERATE from your actual cooldowns).
This is a dual passive and in full honesty both passives feel very good, very strong, and play a very big role in mastering his kit. His first passive is that he can jump on an enemy if he is in a brush. This passive acts as a gap closer that will make running through brushes to chase after enemies a profitable idea, this also allows you to wait in brushes to easily ambush enemies as they pass by and catch them by surprise. Now the other part of your passive essentially gives you a fury bar that does not go down and gos up 20% every time you use a skill. When the bar reaches max you get access to the "Ferocity skillbar", which holds all your ferocity skills. These will all be off CD REGARDLESS of whether the normal skill was on CD (Ie: You used your Q to finish filling your bar, you can instantly use it AGAIN for another Q!)

Q Savagery- Rengar's next basic attack deals 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+1.0 per attack damage) bonus damage and grants him 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 % increased attack speed. Ferocity Bonus: Additionally deals 170% of Rengar's Attack Damage in bonus damage, and the Attack Speed bonus is doubled. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
What I compare this to is a Renekton stun as far as damage is concerned. This skill is also your steroid to allow you to fight better for a few seconds after you use your Q.
Note:This skill resets auto attack timer, so a really good way to use this burst is to auto-Q (When you have 80% of your gauage filled)-auto-Q.

W Battle Roar- Rengar lets out a battle roar, magically damaging enemies (75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+1.0 per ability power)) and gaining 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 bonus armor and magic resist for a short duration. Ferocity Bonus: Heals Rengar for 15% of his max health. Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds.
This skill is your commited trade skill and sustain. This skill gives you a good amount of Armor and MR as well as dealing some decent trade damage (The damage is MAGICAL, so enemies who are stacking MR will still take a decent amount of damage from this skill. The ferocity version of this skill will act as your main sustain in between fights and trades AS WELL AS a bait mechanic for trading.

E Bola Strike- Rengar throws a bola at his target dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+0.7 per bonus attack damage) Physical Damage and slowing them by 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 % for a short duration. Enemy Movement Speed recovers over 2.5 seconds. Ferocity Bonus: Roots the target for 1 second. Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds.
This skill is your CC tool to respond to ganks, BUT it also has another use, a ranged harassment tool. This skill will allow you to do very well in lanes vs a champion with low sustain.

R (Ultimate) Thrill of the Hunt Rengar activates his predatory instincts, stealthing and revealing all enemy Champions in a 2000 / 3000 / 4000 range radius around him. He gains 10 / 15 / 20 % movement speed and generates 1 Ferocity per 0.75s while stealthed. Lasts 7 seconds or until he uses an ability. Cooldown: 120 / 80 / 40 seconds.
This ultimate is EXTREMELY AMAZING. This has so many purposes and is the skill defining difference in Rengars. This skill can be used to escape an ganks, be used as a "Timeout in a fight to get your Ferocity, A gapcloser, a tool to find enemies, and a tool to gank enemy lanes if you roam.

Rengar also gets his own special item he has a CHOICE of buying.

This item provides him many useful bonuses and will get filled very easily as both kills and assists get stacks and deaths only remove 1 stack. The item will also give you 56 AD at level 18 which is a pretty good value for a 1k gold item.

Why Top Instead of Jungle?:

He has very good burst, No resource, great escapes, and very good matchups top lane. wheras in the jungle he has a dangerous clear (Anyone can come kill him), weak ganks until 6, and lacks his main damage if he uses his rage for CC in ganks.