So one of my passions is Co-Op games and obviously LoL fits this bill quite well, the problem is that some people haven't caught onto the idea of what Co-Op means. The worst offenders are people in AI games. Sure, they're just Bots, but that doesn't mean that they don't win, the shame of losing to computer controlled opponents is sadly as bad as you might imagine it.

Just imagine yourself in a game as a support; building support items, using support masteries, and runes. Now your ADC is derping so bad that you've seen them die 3 times 2v1 or even 3v1 then they feel the need to keep trying 1v2+ (dying predictably & repeatedly). Well, it's not so bad yet, lets see how the APC Mid is doing oh, the Fiddle Bot just got Godlike... hmm that's bad. All is not lost however! I'm sure one of our two bruisers up top oh, they've got an AFKer and a first timer Jax failing to understand his abilities.

Try as you might, you can't get them to group up, or complete objectives, it's all about the kills. If they see a bot low health they gun for it like a starved dog slavering after a recently discarded T-bone. Never mind that it's Galio and he's just ulted when the Fiddle, Sona, Kog, and Cho come around a blind corner to ult them to death and you're standing there left with a 1v5 at base as a underfed support. ENJOY!

I'm not saying that you don't find some very interesting and well mannered people in bot games, some of my favorite duo-q partners I met through an AI game or two. The point is that no matter what mode you play you're going to find those people that just can't see the Team Picture and are all about their own end score and point fingers at everyone else when the numbers don't add up the way they like. The sad fact is that AI Games are populated mostly with these types and it's a shame really since this is also where you're going to find a lot of new players and get turned off the community for this very reason.

To this end I call upon all the true Team Players out there to pop into a Beginner or Intermediate game and spread the Co-Op Spirit around. Maybe teach some of the foo... *clears throat* misguided individuals the meaning of teamwork.