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Otaku108's Mobafire Blog - Tag: game

27 Mar
So, it's been a while since his release, and people are finally starting to get what he can do... does that mean it's majority knowledge?

FK no. How many of you Thresh players out there have tossed out that lantern to save a friendly only to watch them walk right by it and die a few seconds later? OR, how many of you have placed it behind you as you bum rush the low health enemy carry only to watch your carry ignore it completely? Or the jungler, or whomever it could benefit to jump to you location in a flash... *sigh*


As a result I've taken...
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19 Jan
So, I've been taking note of Runaan's Hurricane and I'm a little confused about why it counts Teemo's Toxic Shot, Ashe's Frost Shot, even Varus's Blighted Quiver, but not Vayne's Silver Bolts. This doesn't make any sense to me. Is this a bug or intended? I mean, what are "on hit effects" if Silver Bolts aren't it? I guess it's mechanic is different and that's why but I'm still of the opinion it should work if everyone else's passive is working just fine with it.
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19 Jan
So, lately I've been playing a lot of Zyra support when I'm not being forced into some other role (support has actually become popular lately, not sure if I'm happy about that due to the fail support players increasing) and I've discovered a new love in my life. It's a pity she's kind of evil, I always pictured a plant lady to be a bit more loving but then I realized, nature isn't kind.

Nature, as a mater of fact, is kind of brutal. So in the end I've found myself gravitating towards her more often than not in ranked play depending on who I'm laning against and with.

So anyway, to...
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19 Jan
So, after much trying and different test builds, I have determined that Ashe is pretty much pointless to play in S3. She has the worst damage out of all of the ADC champs along with no escapes/mobility. All she brings to the table is a Global Stun, IF you're good with it.

I have never seen a champ that needed a rework more than her. Firstly, she has 2 abilities that add 0 damage to her kit.

I say all this but it's not like she can't win a 1v1 with a few of the other ADC champs but there's nothing she can do that another champ can't do better. Even when Varus came out and everyone was...
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16 Jan
So, since season 3 was released I've been working hard to get used to all the new changes to the game, most especially the items. Some of the neatest things I've seen so far have been the addition of the Hurricane, Ohmwrecker, and all the new support items.

Today I sat down to put out a build I've found has served me well in normal solo-queue games as a support. I once made a post about how suckage it is to be a support in solo-queue and not being able to make much of a difference if your carry is elo-hell material, to which someone replied, buy carry items and win!

At first I thought...
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