Yeah, so this is sort of inspired by MOWEN who did this same thing vs a SHEN. It turns out that Janna completely obliterates Lee Sin top since you can **** block his damage he does to you with his Q by simply hitting him with a tornado when he's mid flight in a kick. Everyone at the start was like "OMFG REPORT THIS TROLL JANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" on my team, then everyone was all like "OMFG THIS JANNA ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKS". So yeah uh, this is kind of cool. She pushes better than Lee, has a BALLS TO THE WALL AMAZING SHIELD when your AP starts kicking in and CANNOT BE GANKED EVR when you hit 6. Team fights are pretty extreme with the amount of clutch shields and AOE damage you can do during them. You're like your ADC's SUPER AWESOME BEST FRIEND SUPPORT IF THEY ONLY TOOK STEROIDS. So yeah, try it.