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LeBlanc Build Guide by Totallynotn00b

Leblanc - Patience, summoner.

Leblanc - Patience, summoner.

Updated on March 16, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Totallynotn00b Build Guide By Totallynotn00b 532 48 4,941,515 Views 284 Comments
532 48 4,941,515 Views 284 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Totallynotn00b LeBlanc Build Guide By Totallynotn00b Updated on March 16, 2014
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BertnFTW | November 6, 2015 3:43am
Nostalgia Sovjet
Champy | June 18, 2014 1:00pm
Silence removed = R.I.P. Leblanc
pan65 | June 17, 2014 9:00pm
I love your guide. I read it and now i main her. But would you be able to update after her nerf where sigil does not have the silence anymore? I feel that LeBlanc would be different.
Moontessa | June 15, 2014 1:10am
Thank you for this guide! I read it fully and tried LeBlanc for the first time, and thanks to you in three days I became quite ok with her for that amount of time. Of course, to truly master her one needs a lot of practice and experience, but your work put into this guide spared me a lot of games where I would have to research things myself. So thank you very much!

P.S. My main is Morgana, so it was quite fun reading your impression of her mid :D But sadly she is now more a supp, so I guess no real thread to LB mid, just spoiling some bot ganks with keeping her adc alive :)
StephaD | June 4, 2014 7:22pm
I read this guide from the beginning until the end. As a result, not only did I fall in love with LeBlanc but I also have improved as a player. This was the first guide I read and took seriously and it has truly improved the way I play, not just with LeBlanc. Some may say this guide is text-heavy, and I agree that is not exactly light reading but it is because of the wisdom behind those words that I have improved as much as I have.
AllHailBrutannia | May 9, 2014 11:22am
I play a lot of LB of late, and she has kind of become my mid lane stomp champ much like pantheon in the top lane, and I would like to thank you. I read this guide when I first decided to try her, and this is where I went.

On a side note, I just played against a Lissandra mid earlier today and noticed that you do not have a section for her in the opponents area.
LouisA. (4) | April 29, 2014 9:56am
I bought LB the past week. I knew how to play her but not so much on how to understand her mechanics. This guide helped me a lot on achieving that.

Thanks! +1

Still have a long way to go til I master her.
the Anarchit3cht | April 28, 2014 1:08pm
Awesome guide, really gave me some stuff to think about as a new LB player. I know exactly what you mean by "EVERYONE HATES YOU." When I was 5/0 in the first 8 minutes, the WHOLE enemy team came to fight me. They shut me down nicely, but at the expense of getting a fed ADC and Top laner. Not really a good trade-off for them, imo seeing as an ADC is a lot more effective in the late game.
Princessbigfoot | April 11, 2014 11:07am
I just wanted to thank you for creating this guide. I picked up Leblanc the week after I made my account because I saw somebody else get 10 kills with her in a beginner bots game. I thought that person was a god and it was because of the champ that he chose. After a while I started doing the same and then I started doing well in normals. However there were still so many games that I would lose. Badly. So I stumbled upon your guide and it not only made my Leblanc play better, but my play as a whole better. This guide is so in depth and extremely thought out. I love it and recommend it to all of my friends that I have gotten to play league. This guide has value even if you never play Leblanc. It taught me so much about the game and I appreciate the time and effort you put into this. Again, thank you so much.
mroziu1922 | April 9, 2014 7:30pm
Noob Lb !!!!!!!!!!
Totallynotn00b (45) | March 21, 2014 6:03pm
EdisonKhoo (74) | March 17, 2014 2:36am
yea, it should be "icon= " not "item=" xD
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