Hello everyone, time for the patch discussion.

In this patch they mainly focused on the tools of the game one major one.

Players may now create up to 20 mastery pages, up from 10.

This is the biggest part of this patch, I for one look forward to expanding my choices of masteries.

Another big one is Increased the variance in team composition makeups for Coop vs AI.

This had gotten me so excited because I love doing Co-op vs AI and they finally changed it.

They also released Syndra, and fixed a bug with Graves

Heres the Link

Ok now it's time for what I think would be more apropriate for a patch.

An Ashe rework, as I said in the last discussion the passive on Ashe loses it's effectiveness toward the end of the game.

Also, I think that we could use a new item, something more AD damage, or Magic Resist. They have a cheap item for armor ( Cloth Armor ) for only 300 gold. They need a cheap one for only 300 gold, cause that Null thing for 400 doesnt cut it!

Ok so that's it for this patch, please start the discussion below. Thank you for reading. :)