So I jumped into a solo-q normal game, and asked for mid which no one argued about (usually people insta-locking Morg, or Ryze without any word). The second I pic Lux I had 3 people tell me to pick someone else... ? Am I really that idiotic or do people not know about Lux still? Our Jungler (Mundo) was the only one that actually said it was cool, but a Ez/Taric combo bot and our top Malph were skeptical to say the least.

Once we get in-game and we see I'm against a Morg the teammates are calling GG already... ? Wow... I know Morg was a fan favorite Mid and all but give Lux some credit here.

So we're doing the CS thing, the trade thing, the dance was beautiful. She dodges, I'm dodging, we're just trying our best to get a good root combo while focusing on our CS when in comes their Jungler (Hecarim) and I find myself in what I thought would be a bad position (I don't take flash I go teleport/ignite) so I back off with both following, Light Binding, caught them both, auto attack the near death Morg, Lucent Singularity to finish off the kill and run off laughing with a first blood in hand. No comment from the team.

Game goes on, a minute later I hit lvl 6, teleport to a ward in bot lane bush purple side, bind the enemy ADC (Ashe), full combo her to near death and let our Ez finish her off. No comment from the team.

Game goes on, I manage to shut down the Morg completely, killing her 5 different times (3 very lucky bindings, and 2 nice ganks from our Mundo). And at this point I take down my turret and start my roam. First is a teleport to top ward in river bush. Hit a max range binding on Irelia who had been winning her lane for the most part against our Malph. Malph ults in, I ult her, she dies. Now Mundo is going, "dis Lux". Next is a nice ward in their blue while I'm nearby and see Hec rather low trying to get the buff, wait for it, wait for it, Finales, he gets blue and pop, dies I get blue. Mundo "ROFL nice snipe".

Game goes on, a few dragons, a few ganks, and we find ourselves at Baron. It's going OK, we got Nashor to next to nothing, and enemy decides to pay us a visit. We're almost all of us at or below half HP so I'm kinda fearing this engage. Shoot off my Prismatic Barrier hitting everyone, bind the ADC outside of her range and Singularity the 3 others that made it inside the pit, Ult them insta-triple, we only lost our Taric and still got Baron. Mundo, "Lux wtf did you do?". My reply "Got lucky".

Anyway, game ends on a surrender vote. Mundo, "Lux used well be crazy DPS. Next time someone goes Mid with her accept it and move on." No comment from rest of team.

The fact is that Lux is seriously wicked if you play her right. She's has one of the longest ranges of all the champs and even though she's 100% skill shots (one of like 3 or 4 champs that are in the game) she's exceptionally easy to learn. She plays kind of like Morgana in that her binding is about the same, but her shield is AoE, her Ult is near instant and serious DPS if fed and her E is a better zoning tool IMO.

Her main problem is that she's mana starved, she eats MP like an alcoholic drinks. If you get a jungler that doesn't need blue, have them give it to you constantly. Whenever possible, steal enemy blue too. She's extremely squishy but because she's got good CC and extreme range she shouldn't be in melee combat range ... ever. Never find yourself in the front line as Lux, there's 0 reason to be there.

Next is as a Mid, her ability to harass the other lanes is very high. She doesn't need to be too close to the lane to use her ult effectively but it's nice to use in conjunction with teleport so you can get in lane near instantly and get a nice surprise combo off.

Combo: Q auto attack E R auto attack if still alive. Something to realize when using her R, it pops any Illumination (her passive) on the target(s) and leaves behind another. So if you find yourself in a team fight and they're nicely grouped up, try to use your E first and then pop it just as you start up your R. The burst will scare the **** out of anyone that's hit.