Another blog post! Why not!

The Secret Bloggaries of a LoL Scrub!

I finally played some more normal games!
Only 4.
Because I'm silly.
Won 2, lost 2.
Ironically, both times I was Teemo, we were against level 30s and we failed.

On that note, I was top Teemo vs Rengar in one of them, and even when I was in the brush, when he entered to try find me, he would randomly stealth or I'd just lose vision when I shouldn't have (mushrooms + me in the brush = hard not to see a giant cat-man. And he didn't have his Ulti up). Is this a bug? Or have they secretly buffed Rengar with that?
He wrecked me. Hard. He had insane AD during the first few levels, and he only had boots/pots. Silly level 30s.
Ever since I saw her, I've always loved Lulu, and Ive always wanted to play as her, when she was free I made every attempt to play as her, and because of her, I know I suck as support. Atleast, maybe.
Is Lulu a good support? Or is there some other role I can fill while playing Lulu? I really want to play her, she's one of my favourite Champions along with Annie, Poppy, Wukong and Renekton. I wouldnt mind learning to play support role, I mean it's always good to play more than one role!
On a supporty note, I played Soraka in my last game, first time Soraka.
We were up against a scary team, and their Karma (wait, who?) got fed early on, and it was looking to be a 3rd loss, when we won a couple of key team fights and managed to turn it around.I think I was doing okay in the laning phase. They had a Blitz and Veigar bot (AD veigar...Troll?) so me and Ez had a hard time pushing out into the lane because of the wild flying fists and giant stun cages everywhere, though I helped keep him topped up whenever he decided he wanted to play catch with giant robot fists of doom. (He only died two or three times during the laning phase from ganks/when I wasnt there:p), but as it got on, I found myself just spamming wards that Blitz just broke/killing wards that Blitz put on my old wards. The heals I threw out didn't seem to have much of an impact, except a few times, although shutting down Karma with silences was fun.
I also had a bit of a bother trying to get my Ulti to save people when they were low. xD
I was also being tutored on where to place wards during the game by our mid (on skype with me, 3 man premade :p)

So. TL;DR:
1. Does Rengar have random stealth (bug or not, not his ulti) in brush?
2. Is Lulu a decent enough Support champion, or can I play Lulu as a Top/Mid and not be a troll?
3. Pancakes are amazing.