Sort of a first time champ post but not really first time playing her.

So, here's a champ which is very rarely played in any level but has a rather interesting kit. Basically a walking AoE CC/Slow machine with some ok damage burst but minimal sustain. Your function is be a walking meat-shield with 100% AoE Slows.

Her initiate isn't top tier but it's definitely strong; with a quick Q W E combo into a small group or add the R at the end for a full on engage as the initiator of a team-fight she should be built as a HP Tank with augmented AP/CDR items. But since your W scales off Max HP it's going to be the majority of your damage through out the game.

Running Merc Treads, Rod of Ages, Mogs, WotA or Zeke's Herald (depending on who's carrying ADC or APC), Soul Shroud and BV. Swapping Soul Shroud for Guardian Angel for AD heavy enemy team comp.

Her major problem is late game, she has very little damage late game even though her early/mid is slightly high. So she's very team player specific, if you're off on your own, you're doing it wrong. That's not to say you can't build her more DPS style but you're gonna be a walking shell that does moderate damage late game, focused and dead before most of your abilities can even be put into play save her ult (her only truly-ranged ability).