So you guys trolled mah blog and want a 'chick picking up guide' which is unfortunate because I was actually looking forward to making a real guide, but the people have spoken.

I'm so bleh lately. I recently got hit up by a random for smurfing 1400-1500. I said 50 bucks, and within 30 seconds, had the money in my paypal. Ka-ching. I'm currently 8-1 on that account, with a couple games to go. I got a pentakill with jayce, was pretty hilarious.

I played a morgana game against ziggs, and did ok. This guy was insane with ziggs, and sadly I had shaco jungle, kayle support, and adc vayne with 28 cs at 10:00. We lost that game, but that's not the funny part. I was doing well in my lane and had even secured a couple kills. I was something like 3-2-3. vayne and kayle walk mid and derp around and take way too much damage. Ziggs is 3-3-1 at this point, I think. They walk back to my tower and recall. Ziggs ults them and they both die instantly. Long story short, they end up blaming me for losing my lane when they each fed ziggs approximately 4 kills in the laning phase. Ziggs didn't leave once, the kills came to him o.0 I found it hilarious they were like, report dis morgana zomgey so bad when it's their fault for completely snowballing him with that doublekill. Dodge shaco jungles and kayle supports. Save yourself some elo.

So what should I do? go for 2k elo? (1950 currently)
Smurf more? Write guides? Go outside?

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah <-das how i feels.