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Leona Build Guide by kelvinds43x

AD Offtank AD Leona - Guide to the Top Lane

AD Offtank AD Leona - Guide to the Top Lane

Updated on November 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kelvinds43x Build Guide By kelvinds43x 4 7 12,602 Views 21 Comments
4 7 12,602 Views 21 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kelvinds43x Leona Build Guide By kelvinds43x Updated on November 11, 2012
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Chargermaster (13) | November 11, 2012 11:28am

Well, I'm more like supporting my claim of having never lost my top lane. I just haven't, but whatever apparently I can't say anything and have no one complain about it. Whatever man, get off my guide if all your going to do is talk down on me and the guide.

You set it up and had false ''advertisement'' if I can say so.
kelvinds43x | November 11, 2012 11:13am
Well, I'm more like supporting my claim of having never lost my top lane. I just haven't, but whatever apparently I can't say anything and have no one complain about it. Whatever man, get off my guide if all your going to do is talk down on me and the guide.
Laggermeister (242) | November 9, 2012 6:39pm
Yet another case of someone backtracking on an audacious claim (never losing top lane) and then turning around and claiming it's for fun or something.

Oh and speaking of 'meeting your counter', if you want to be beaten out of your lane on an already unviable champion by a champion who also counters you, I'd be happy to introduce you to my solo top Lulu.

Everyone -1 this please.
kelvinds43x | November 9, 2012 3:28pm
Who the hell ever said I would play her in ranked? This is just a fun normal game build. What you think I would AD Leona in ranked? Well yeah knowing me I would but I never once said in this guide or in the comments to play her in ranked. And yes I did mean I never lost my lane as AD Leona. I just haven't met my counter yet I guess. All of you guys are taking this build as if its 100% serious 2200 elo build that wrecks everything. NO, I never said that. Why do you guys argue with me? I've done this build plenty of times and its worked for me. Its a game and I'm having fun with it.
Chargermaster (13) | November 9, 2012 11:50am
sirell wrote:

Leona is not even meant to be played AD.

If anything they hinted at AP.
sirell (400) | November 9, 2012 11:39am

How could anyone lose to this... AD Leona is a bot kill lane and can't solo top for ****.

Leona is not even meant to be played AD.
Chargermaster (13) | November 9, 2012 11:22am
How could anyone lose to this... AD Leona is a bot kill lane and can't solo top for ****.
koksei (163) | November 9, 2012 3:59am
why is it the comments under the guides you are writing, sirell, are always so damn funny.. lol.

Okay first off, AD-Leona top can be a fun build but with the Post you made before you clearly stated that you mean it serious and you NEVER lost a lane with her.

Well okay that's a -1 for you. AD-Leona might win vs some people with a lot of jungler camping but it's a FUN build for normals, nothing serious and no need to get so insultive when your build is actually the dumb one - cheers
sirell (400) | November 9, 2012 3:52am
Lol, I remember that. He said Leona was viable mid as well.
Laggermeister (242) | November 9, 2012 12:20am

I've never lost my lane as AD Leona against ANY champion.

Get on my level scrub.

Get down to your level? Thanks, but no thanks.

You know, the last time someone wrote a guide for solo top Leona, I challenged him to a 1v1 to prove that solo top Leona was unviable. I never heard from him again.
sirell (400) | November 8, 2012 3:50pm
Got any screenshots or replays of AD Leona?
kelvinds43x | November 8, 2012 10:32am
Juicetin wrote:

Can you explain why armor pen/attack speed runes over raw damage or movement speed? In terms of top lane presence, last hitting is core so that extra AD helps out a lot more than that giant early amount of armor pen. Also stronger hits early from raw damage will allow you to trade more equally with your lane partner. Another thing is that this build looks like it requires a lot of farm that's going to be hard without the extra last hitting damage. Although if you disagree, feel free to elaborate ^.^

Edit: I also noticed you don't run the 10% armor pen mastery when you already run armor pen reds/quints , so do you believe that you reach a nice threshold with just the runes?

This is a personal preference, but this guide is how I personally play AD Leona. That amount of armor pen will most likely reduce the enemies armor to 0 in which case you deal 'TRUE' damage. I run this rune page with all of my AD champions including adcs and i do just fine. If for whatever reasons, you want to run something else that is your choice, but I use a lot of armor pen and find it extremely effective in dealing lots of damage. As for farming, that is why in the offense tree I take two points in butcher and 3 in AD. That is really all you need to farm and I don't have any problem farming since along with the masteries, my armor pen reduces the minions armor below 0 which actually deals more damage if you are unaware.

Leona can NOT be played in a solo lane. Try to name one champion out of the 105 which she can beat in the lane 1v1. Hint: there aren't any.

I've never lost my lane as AD Leona against ANY champion.

Get on my level scrub.

bsurma wrote:

They're not downvoting this just because. They have a reason. You wanna hear it?

AD Leona is plain stupid. A champion that has tons of CC usually relies on them to help their team and they don't build damage just because they want to.

Also, Tri-Force>Warmog>Atma's is too damn expensive to buy, especially when you're getting zoned the hell out of the lane just because you're playing AD leona and you can't get any CS. And also, Thornmail?
I mean, it's nice to have alternatives, but this version of Leona is not even considered OK because when you build her AD, the kit doesn't synergize with that AT ALL.

/end rant

If you are getting zoned then you just suck at the game, and are therefore plain stupid. Her kit synergizes by locking up an enemy and then killing them with your auto attacks. The triforce warmog atmas combo is not that expensive if you know how to farm. Do you? In some cases I dont reach warmogs or atmas, but thats because triforce is enough to force my enemy to surrender. In fact I never reached the end of my build because we always win before hand. If you think AD Leona doesnt work then go out there and try it yourself. I have never lost/nor done bad, in fact some games I'm the only one doing good on my team.

Leona can beat Renekton and Wukong? Not sure what mushrooms you're eating, but I want some too.

Btw, I have personally defeated Wukongs, Teemos, Malphites, Darius, Chogaths and Pantheons. These are what I can remember. I never lose my lane.

Thanks to those you defended my guide and actually gave good criticism. For those of you who think it doesn't work. Please try it yourself and if you still don't do good, then you come complain to me about how much you suck.
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