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Heimerdinger Build Guide by FieldArmada

AP Carry I theorize your defeat- AP Carry Heimer

AP Carry I theorize your defeat- AP Carry Heimer

Updated on December 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FieldArmada Build Guide By FieldArmada 7 1 47,273 Views 9 Comments
7 1 47,273 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FieldArmada Heimerdinger Build Guide By FieldArmada Updated on December 2, 2012
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Bruticus (3) | March 1, 2013 10:34am
Voted -1
Guide outdated
S00S1 (1) | December 10, 2012 8:42am
Voted +1
I've had many good games with your build thanks for this guide
Nytrite (17) | December 9, 2012 2:29am
Voted +1
Great guide, although I'll recommend making your guide more attractive, and a few more helpful information fow Newbie Heimerdinger players.
Vynertje (386) | September 21, 2012 9:26am
Voted +1
Reasons (and a few other notes) sent to you in PM
monkey1337 | September 11, 2012 6:05am
Voted +1
ty it was good
iCantSee | July 2, 2012 9:47pm
Voted +1
Anhel120 | June 30, 2012 12:27am
Voted +1
Vynertje (386) | June 24, 2012 4:14am
I do not fully disagree with your build, I just not agree. (that off course is the reason that you've decided to create a guide, and not leave it by mine ^^)
Allow me to name a few things I disagree with.

1. Getting your ultimate at level 10: this is pure suicide. It's not only the slow it gives, but also the passive CDR will help you escape a lot. You say yourself he is very squishy, and we all know he has no escape mechs. If you would level your ult, this gives you the ability to 1. use your grenade more often to blind/stun and 2. slow any incoming enemies as you're slow as dirt.

2. Getting some survivability very late in the build. I personally think that on a very squishy champion some survivability can make the difference. From my experience with Heimerdinger, his main problem is being bursted down in teamfights (especially in ranked stuff) by any burst that comes at him. For example, a Leblanc or Brand can easily kill him with only one combo.

3. Calling the Athene's Unholy Grail a "Bleh" choice. In my opinion, this item does not only solve your mana problems, it gives you some good cooldown reduction (this brings you at 39% with ultimate and masteries). End game you cannot rely on getting blue buff, because everyone will be roaming constantly, plus you will die from time to time. Also the extra magic resist helps out more than you might imagine :)

Furthermore I hope you will remove the name of your combo page or rename it, because this is obviously a copy of mine, or at least give me credit for it.

Besides these points, its a solid guide. If you could give me a good explanation for your choices or make these edits, +1 from me.
MajorLoL (114) | June 5, 2012 11:50am
Voted +1
Pretty much the same way I build him. Just a few minor differences, but good build.

The guide could be longer, you have basic coding and formatting down, which is nice to see, and MOBAFire could use some AP Heimer guides. Keep working on it, and add some gameplay info, and techniques. Heimerdinger is a champion that takes a lot of skill to be played correctly, and you have to coach people into being like that.
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Heimerdinger Guide
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I theorize your defeat- AP Carry Heimer

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