So recently i was asked, "Well what if someone asks how to play a champion and a team mate replied back with use Doran's Ring on say Vayne and took that as legitimate advice."
Well personally I would say I can't really answer that one, but i would say instead that knowing that they're at least level 30 with over 100 hundred wins maybe they would have some common sense and say "ha ha good one, but no really how do i build this champion." Not to mention yes you can look up builds on Mobafire*, but not many people will do so.

Truthfully I have asked people in the past if they have ever looked up a guide and usually the answer is no. So for that game I guide them as best I can with the knowledge that I have for that champion. Then after the game I lead them to Mobafire* in hopes that they take some time to look at guides. Also just telling them about guides sometimes is not enough. In my experience guides do help, but it helps to have a visual aid of some sorts or to see what your abilities do for yourself. So it kinda falls back on the premise of helping them in game more than just a strategy guide on Mobafire*. I do love to look up guides non-the least, but personally for me doing it in-game gives me a better perspective, now I am not saying that's how it is for everyone.

All in all it's a matter of just being a good team mate and helping out to better a player and who knows maybe influence your team mates to do the same and make future games better across the board. Also again i want to hear your opinion and hey maybe I will learn something new as well.(if you learned anything from this!?)

This has been Shadofokkusu on the daily ["Free Week" Tales].